When did they bring back the old
NHB ?? Sounds more like sticks & stones will break my bones 2nd or 3rd grade level arguing. It's been like this since I can remember. One side says one thing and the other side picks out one word and goes to town on it and creates a whole new argument. You people are not discussing, debating or communicating at any level. This sounds just like the governments (
yours & ours) and I don't know which one is worse ?? I agree with Geneva, but I think she's fighting a losing battle, cause the other side is not playing fairly.
My biggest take from all of this is that ikar purposely went back and re-read a lot of it. That really makes me wonder ??
Agree with her on what? Or on everything?
If its that I'm just bashing on Elon... Again, did I say anything not accurate? Did I bring him up, or am I solely focusing on him for some unfair reason? If so, feel free to point it out! Happy to defend or explain myself if you see it that way.
That I'm part of the problem because I didn't call someone out for saying "Magats"? I dont even know the term, but that was right before the musk one... and when I got the alert there was new posts, I skim past most of the back and fourth banter and reply to what interests me, which was the musk one. She started calling people jealous / whataboutism, and another user started going back about sychophantism, and I make a simple post about lets not attack eachother and stay civil like this has been for the past 20 pages... But I'm a bad guy and treating trump supports like theyre sub=human.... When every single thing I said about Musk / Tesla has to do with non republican / trump related things? I'm the one being generalized... I don't agree with her argument, therfor I'm anti-trump and treating them like crap... even though I never brought trump up once. I'm not a fan of trump, but I learned mentioning or saying anything about him is a sure fire way to de-rail a conversation and make it an Us vs them...whether you're American, or Canadian.
This is more of a "No you" type argument, which is why I stopped with her. I love debating, and I love being proven wrong - I'm open minded, and if you post something thats against my views but backed up by facts / evidence... I'm not going to just ignore you, dig my heels in and all of a sudden say you're bullying me because I'm a Canadian, or have different views than you. Thats why I stopped the musk talk, or responding about the situation - I'm sure I have paragraphs to say, and I almost typed up a long post against the last one.... but whats the point? It'll all get ignored no matter what I said, and deflected into something else. I responded to a comment about Musk and people are boycotting him just because he's a republican... and now I'm lumped in as someone who doesn't Treat Republicans and / or Trump supporters as sub-human... Never once personally attacked, or assumed anything she's said... but I'm the one who's generalizing and treating someone differently due to their political views
And yes, I purposely went back and read 2 pages. I couldn't understand why I was being called out as a musk basher, or why it seemed like she was taking it so personally. I thought maybe I have been talking about musk a lot - I go on S101 when I have 3-5 mins of downtime when a printer is loading, or a machine is about to finish... I pull up my phone, see the "New replies to thread" message icon... click it and reply. I didn't even know at the time I was replying to the tariff thread as I'm in 5-10 threads at once, and just reply to whatever the person is talking about - I thought I'd go back and look ,see if I said or did something I needed to apologize for... Saw my musk comment, went back 2-3 pages to see if I brought him up before that... saw I didn't and stopped there. So I hope what you're wondering is how such a nice guy would take 10 mins of his break to go re-read a bunch of stuff, see if he said something that offended someone so that he could apologize if he did, and try to understand where all of this was coming from
Even now that USA is applying Tariffs to Canada, this isn't an "us vs them" to me. You're probably one of the most vocal trump supporters on here... have I ever once ignored you, told you to shut up, or said what you're talking about is garbage? have I called you a nazi for supporting trump? a magat? have I even said you're a "crackhead" for agreeing with his views? have I treated you any differently than anyone on here? Even last term when you constantly told me to shut up because I'm "Canadian" and had no skin in the game, I never belittled or said anything to you, and tried to understand it from your point. I don't care if you're the most hardcore trump supporter, if you have a mancrash, or think he's a god sent down to save Americans... It would not make me treat you any differently. And if I have... I again invite you to point it out. If you guys (Not you specifically) think I'm "persecuting" anyone because theyre republicans... they need to look in the mirrors, because thats exactly what they'd be doing to me.