Rat_Fink said:
I would certainly think that it is better to use my time to send this guy a file (of my original artwork) to help him out instead of spending much more time & energy bashing him for asking.
I bash.
I won't deny it, & it ain't cool... I won't deny that either.
I also recognize that your comments may not have been specifically directed at me even though I was quoted, so I'm not defending myself against your comment specifically, but I want to point out that regarding the choice of helping "him" or spending energy bashing "him" I was careful NOT to bash Spury because I don't have any reason to, since I don't know what really went down.
On the other hand, multi came in here with both barrels blazing dropping judgements on this forum & many of it's participants in general, & with no real leg to stand on backing up his attitude. I took issue with that because I like to hang out here in my free time, & bashing this place & it's people is like spitting in MY bar. It may not really be my bar, but if I hang out here, I don't appreciate BS when I see it, so throw BS around... you're bound to get some back (like I am now

...which is fine)
I only think energy spent posting is wasted if nobody reads it. You can never have everyone agree, but if people read what I think, that serves my purpose in posting. Dan might agree, Rat Fink might not, I am just writing MY opinions, I'm not expecting everyone to agree.
multifarious said:
...anytime I would help someone out, some jerk off like yourself would start crying about it being unfair because it was costing you sales of your top quality artwork.
I would never consider that unfair, or a financial threat... what do you mean "jerk off like yourself "? ..I am a 100% original jerk-off... there ain't any others "like me"
multifarious said:
Besides why the attitude? I don't think I singled you out...
...why are you so damned angry all the time with people who take a stand against this uppity attitude....?
..well now you wen't and singled me out, didn't you? Believe me, the honest-to-God FACT is that I'm NOT angry when I engage in verbal sparring. When I see weak assumptions, or unsupported suppositions, & incorrect deductions, or any other form of unsubstantiated allegations hanging out there in cyberspace waiting to be challenged... it's like ripe fruit on a low branch... it seems senseless to just walk away if it challenges my own beliefs, so I state my views, attempt to refute the views of others in question... & I consider it to be a valuable excercise of my mind. (& I think it's FUN!... so like I said, I do "Bash" now & then. Take it, or leave it, or Bash back... I don't care... but if you think I'm angry, you just don't knoiw me :Big Laugh )