christ what a crybaby... are you offended that easy?
you ask a stupid question, and then when you hadn't succedded in derailing the entire conversation to your arrogent nit-picky self important little issue... you ask it again....
No actually I was asking an honest question when he said "Flood a 18 x 24 Coroplast" So anybody that asks a"Stupid Question" and really would like an answer, is arrogant, nit picky, according to you.
My bad. that the
huge misunderstanding is finally resolved, you got attitude because Dale says "glad we got that cleared up" with a smiley face & then wants to get back to his thread?
Adding a smiley face doesn't prove that you weren't trying to be-little someone when asked a question about what you posted trying to cover the fact that you don't know what your talking about.
You're coming off like a first rate fool in your posts here, so before you dig yourself deeper, you might consider that most folks here can actually read.
Most people can read. Some people can read but really don't understand what they are reading, like in your case. Posting thousands of posts does not make you an expert on anything, just says you have a lot of time on your hands to post smart ass replies.
When you write "flooding a sign" and then "a flood stroke" ... when that was not what was written, how does that strengthen your little whiney "I'm right, he's wrong" agenda?
Wasn't trying to prove who was right or wrong, just wanting a clairification of the process presented. want to salvage any respect with you haughty macho claims? I nominate you to produce the first video & put your speedpress machismo where your mouth is.... out in public for the judging
I don't need to salvage anything. I don't use Dales product and I'm sure it works well for people that haven't gotten the hang of applying transfer tape to CUT VINYL, not prints. Instead of a video tape, let's do it at the Orlando Show. I could cheat on a video, being all haughty macho and all.
Regardless of your little semantics inquisition, Dale is a sponsor of this site, and his product produces rave reviews from virtually everyone here who has used it.... that should wake up even the most dense of the disbelievers. I credit him for an entirely good natured attempt at bringing some more fun to signs101.
Being a dense dis-believer of an item that is supposed to be the best thing since Jesus Christ, I still believe Dales heart was in the right place, and thank him for trying to put together a contest.
I credit you for more childish, stick-in-the-mud folly... but hey, give us something more to judge here.... otherwise be judged for your words.