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W00t, Credit cards paid off!



Just paid off the 2 credit cards i had from when i was first building credit (I'm 25 got them about 5 years ago). Business has been dead the past 2 months and I'm trying to downsize all i can.

Seen what the interest would be in a few years paying the minimum and yeah took the hit since i had the money and saved a ton in the long run (about $2125).

So excited!


Active Member
Just paid off the 2 credit cards i had from when i was first building credit (I'm 25 got them about 5 years ago). Business has been dead the past 2 months and I'm trying to downsize all i can.

Seen what the interest would be in a few years paying the minimum and yeah took the hit since i had the money and saved a ton in the long run (about $2125).

So excited!
VERY NICE! :toasting:


New Member
Ahhhhhh, I remember I used to be debt free back in my illegal ebay selling days. I miss them days. Now I have Debt and a crap load of leftover blank shirts and hoodies.


Oh I'm good now, credits excellent and I used them to build credit.

James Burke

Being a grandpa is more fun than working
Awesome! It's nice not having that monthly chain around your leg. We said goodbye to our credit cards five years ago and only use a debit card.

Our bank's debit card also work like a credit card, but it only draws on our checking account, and its daily limit is way more than I'll ever need.

It takes a lot more planning and discipline to live without credit cards, but it sure puts an end to impulsive irresponsibility.

I wish I had a dollar for every credit card offer I get in the mail each month...those guys spend a ton of bucks trying to get new customers.



Yeah, Only using a debit card for now on unless it's a huge purchase and i'll use my one credit card for the rewards. Every $500 you spend on it you get $5 for Old Navy and i have gotten quite a few freebies from using that. Of course, If i do use it i will pay it right off :)


New Member
Yeah, Only using a debit card for now on unless it's a huge purchase and i'll use my one credit card for the rewards. Every $500 you spend on it you get $5 for Old Navy and i have gotten quite a few freebies from using that. Of course, If i do use it i will pay it right off :)
Get a discover card they have better rewards

John L

New Member
Do any of you have a debit card that offers buyer protection for purchases gone awry? My local bank only offers this on an individual bank account, not available on business accounts.


Merchant Member
:thumb: Congrats John...its a great feeling to have that kind of debt paid off!! Feels even better to have a little jingle in your pocket.


New Member
Congrats John!

Don't give em' any more then we have to. That's why the banks keep doing great and the middle class just get by.

We started our business on cash and plan to keep running it like that. All equipment, supplies and employees are paid for with cash or a check. If we can't pay cash for it, then we don't get it.... except that snowmobile I have my eye on:)


New Member
Living Debt Free is awesome. I have 0 debt and love it. After this show, I will be leasing into 1 machine, and paying cash for 1. Getting a Flatbed and a router


Merchant Member
It looks like everyone that replied to this thread is debt free. I just can't sleep well with interests accumulating every second.