First - I'd say thanks for the feedback. Second - I'll say that one of the reasons some elements seem very unpolished and that there was so much downtime yesterday ... Mainly it was my mistake. Most of the issues I encountered on my own development board server were noted and taken care of so that they would not happen on Paul's server. So I was very encouraged about being able to complete the upgrade and script migration quickly and without issues. Unfortunately during the data transfer - Paul's server through a server at me that I had absolutely no idea how to fix. So there was 7-8 hours of additional downtime that was not planned for, nor even expected.
So - I take full responsibility for the issues that need resolution. But now that the server is just fine, and the XF script is chugging along - I will continue the tasks that were supposed to be completed before the site came online.
I encourage you to be patient and to give the XF script a try. Familiarize yourself with it and you'll eventually agree that it is a superior script and that the upgrade Paul has bought to this community is for the better! Also -
PLEASE KEEP YOUR FEEDBACK, SUGGESTIONS AND IDEAS CONSTRUCTIVE!!! For instance. The drawing posted here -- which I will comment below -- while cutesy, does not help me make the site better. Keep it pithy folks. Thanks.
So far, so good, but where are our icons ??
I'm did not know about any icons.
Paul has it on the todo list though - so we'll likely get them re-added.
I love the new look..Amazing great change so far..
Thank you!
Always feels like an there's an air of caution when trying to become comfortable to a new design... This layout is sharp and clean, I voted brilliant!
Thank you. It needs a bit more work because I have not brought all elements online just yet.
It will come together nicely though once things are sorted. I appreciate the feedback. I believe the design to absolutely be an upgrade over the old, clunky vBulletin theme...
Seems pretty zippy when mousing around using Chrome.
Is there a compact view that will cut down the scrolling & work on smaller device screens?
Do we have to leave our shoes at the door to keep from marking up the new carpet?
LOL @ the shoes ... There could be cream carpet to don't track the mud in

Actually - the theme *should be* 100% responsive on all of your devices.
I did notice a few issues yesterday that will eventually be corrected. As far as scrolling = Welcome to the mobile internet, where scrolling is simply a fact of life LOL
Anyone else having issues on the front page on mobile? Forums seem fine when I actually go-to them.. But it looks like weird constraints on also does the same thing on Firefox.
Yes. I noticed that right away. There was a sidebar added that broke the theme a bit. The new homepage responsive design issues will be fixed sometime in the next several hours. Please let me know if you see any other issues as far as the responsive design is concerned. Thanks for the feedback!
More comments to come...