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Discussion What is different?

James Burke

Being a grandpa is more fun than working
What I must remember is that my personal customer service can not be replaced by someone who does not offer it. My business approach will last as long as I give good customer service. No the sky is not falling !

Yes, I agree totally.

But, on the other hand, the last 30 years have taught us that younger generations are turning long-established norms on their ear. BIG TIME. Many of that generation have no clue what good customer service even means...they've never seen it, and thus have no basis for comparison like us old dudes. All they know is what Google (along with social media and Big Media) tells them to do, and that should be a concern to us all.


Christian @ 2CT Media

Active Member
What I must remember is that my personal customer service can not be replaced by someone who does not offer it. My business approach will last as long as I give good customer service. No the sky is not falling !
Then why are you complaining that the industry is selling out? It's not an issue for you.


Graphic Design | Production
Yes, I agree totally.

But, on the other hand, the last 30 years have taught us that younger generations are turning long-established norms on their ear. BIG TIME. Many of that generation have no clue what good customer service even means...they've never seen it, and thus have no basis for comparison like us old dudes. All they know is what Google (along with social media and Big Media) tells them to do, and that should be a concern to us all.


Can't disagree more. Even kids right now know good customer service - it's just that often these days, good customer service might also mean "having an accessible website" or "will email you back, not just phone call" or "has exampels of work on instagram".

Robert Armerding

Listen Sharp
First, thank you to all Signs101 members that have read this thread and those who have replied. It is interesting to me to see the diverse viewpoints.

As I see it, here is another significant difference:
Manufacture durable goods and deliver them directly to end-users.
Even a one-person sign shop can do that.
Not very many other industries do that.

How do you see it?
Note to Signs101 "Lurkers," I encourage you to reply to my Threads.


Premium Subscriber
Hmmm...... tailors do it, fixture places can do it, roofers can do it, mechanics will do it........ just about any one-person business is capable of doing this. Perhaps, if you gave your own thread some direction, you might get some real participation which will help it become worthwhile. As is, it's just a rambling discussion with no purpose.


Very Active Signmaker
Just wait till you start seeing them attach buckets to their vans.....



Arial - it's almost helvetica
Take into consideration that it might be the customer getting worse rather than the customer service.
There's no good reason to say that young people are the problem when older people become harder to please, myself included.


Premium Subscriber
Hmmmm...... I've seen that dog somewhere before...................

Old people, ha. Take 'em out back and shoot 'em. They shoot horses don't they ??​


Graphic Design | Production
A lot of businesses provide house-made goods directly. Restaurants make you things on the spot, cafes make you lattes on the spot.
I really don't understand the question?

Robert Armerding

Listen Sharp
A lot of businesses provide house-made goods directly. Restaurants make you things on the spot, cafes make you lattes on the spot.
I really don't understand the question?
KatePhillips First of all, thank you for replying to this thread.
The difference is in the term "durable goods."
Those are goods that are intended to last more than three years.
Many sign makers manufacture durable goods and deliver them directly to the end-user.
Does that maybe help to understand what I meant?


Premium Subscriber
For what it's worth, I understood the term, but don't understand your initial OP vs. now. It has nothing to do with the 1,000's of people seeing it, to what you drifted into of opening up the thread to anything ya want ?? Now, just a few posts later, you wanna change the direction once again. Robert, no wonder no one understands what you wanna talk about.

Do whatever it is you want, but why is every thread a puzzle or riddle ?? You honestly don't make sense to the normal reading abilities of most English speaking people. Normally, I would say this behind the scenes as not to embarass you or your views, but you kinda told me to stay public with my comments and thoughts, so here I am.

I think you need to listen more to your own advice and try to stay a little more focused. Listening, being the key ingredient here. C'mon man, let's sharpen and hone those listening skills as more than 50% of your listeners don't have a clue. If you're trying to be a coach, it's much like being a teacher and if you cannot get your point across one way, then you need to appraoch it from another view or direction. You need to keep trying til ya get your point across until the student understands fully. You're missing the mark 100% of the time.

Johnny Best

Active Member
Manufacture durable goods and deliver them directly to end-users.

Every toy manufacturer in China make those goods that last more than three years.
So Robert the sign industry is like the toy makers. We are just little people with big pointy ears making goods for a bearded fat guy?
See Gino, I listened.


Active Member
The only advantages we have left over online is design and installation. There are lots of clients who still want someone to listen to what they need and produce a professional design.
And until Amazon puts those buckets on their trucks (won't be surprised) we still have the advantage of installing what we sell.


Active Member
drones? sooo 2019
next step for Amazon is to provide a headset that the user wears which places them in a dreamlike state, while a remote operator (or A.I.) controls their body and completes the service with journeymen expertise. "some assembly required" suddenly becomes a day at the beach!


New Member
Then why are you complaining that the industry is selling out? It's not an issue for you.
I did not complain about companies selling out. Just a Fact . I do not see a future for a service company that buys items , marks them up and resells them. I make 99% of my signs and can personally guarantee my work . I charge full price. Personally I have no interest in selling my items to another shop for 50 or 60% of my price, so that they can mark it up and make money. , I truly enjoy doing work and looking at my finished product. I dont understand companies that put out twice as much work for the same amount if money. Are they happy. Someone I know does it and says it is "service for the Bottom Feeders"