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What to do?


New Member
Just wrapped a trailer for a client. Charged $2,000. and got $1000 down. Client came by to pick up the trailer and complained about the color. Color is dead on to proof. As we argue, I learn this schmuck proofed the graphic design on his BlackBerry. Anyway, dang thing looks good to me, and besides that, it's an advertisement—it ain't the frickin' Mona Lisa, right? So the client tells me to fix it and I say there's nothing to fix, it matches the proof and I tell him he can't have the trailer 'til he pays. He drives off and I decide to impound his trailer before he comes back to get it. I call my friend Henry to come and get the trailer and take it to his lot for safe-keeping. I go back to work and Henry shows up and asks me where the trailer is. I say "it's out back" and he says I came in that way and I didn't see a trailer. Seems the client slithered back and cut off my padlock and stole his own trailer.

Not sure what do. Any suggestions? Small claims? This has never happened to me before.

BTW I did call the client. He said "FU so sue me".


New Member
BTW. this is the side of the trailer he's complaining about. It's clip art from Vector Stock that he approved in a reply email. His complaint is that it looks "pink". I have removed his logo and phone number from this photo.


  • photo.jpg
    94.2 KB · Views: 168


Dawns Vinyl Designs
I would say an attorney to start or a call to the local police. Around here it's your property until it's paid for and the State Police will accompany you to retrieve your property.

Whatever you do make sure it's immediately! Time adds to blurriness of details and then the "he said - she said" stuff will cost you your money.


New Member
I didn't see a trailer. Seems the client slithered back and cut off my padlock and stole his own trailer.

Not sure what do. Any suggestions? Small claims? This has never happened to me before.

BTW I did call the client. He said "FU so sue me".

some people are dicks, plane and simple.

good luck.



New Member
I have a good mind to call this snake, get him to come to some pre-determited location, where I and several of my friends will be waiting. When he arrives, we'll remove enough of the graphics to make this a bad deal for him as well.


New Member
If you have nothing in writing, you're done. If you have a signed contract, then you can call the police and report what basically was a robbery on your property, since he cut the padlock. Not too smart on the clients behalf - you have his address to send the cops to!


New Member
i had this happen to me just this monday. i had lettered a old ice cream truck i lettered for a Dj on saturday and he paid half up front and said he was gonna pick up the truck monday and pay the rest when picked up. i had the truck parked next to my shop and i had the keys inside the shop and the ass hole came sunday and took the truck and never paid me the rest. now im calling him all week and he dont answer. i called the cops and they filed a report on him. but i know how u feel.


New Member
Stating the obvious...but you also want to make sure all proofs have a plain as day disclaimer that "colors may appear differently on your monitor; hardcopy proof available upon request"


New Member
Call the cops immediately. I'm no lawyer, but he physically took the property from your possession. That's gotta be theft. I don't believe this would be a civil matter for that reason alone. It's not like the myriad other stories we hear where the client's signs are installed at their property, but never paid for. That is a civil matter. This should be criminal.

With a theft charge against him, he'd be a lot easier to sue.


New Member
In addition to all the red blooded advice, by taking the trailer back he has accepted the work you did. You can get all hot and rip your vinyl off the trailer and not make another penny or you can send the legitimate debt to collection and rip the hell out of his credit rating (and also get some more money back).

Its not even a civil matter, its a business debt.

You could sue him for the cost of the padlock though.


New Member
It's absolutely a criminal matter first and you should waste NO time filing it as such. Sometimes even just a mention of cameras do wonders too.

Pat Whatley

New Member
Call the police first thing tomorrow morning. They'll tell you quickly if there's anything they can do about it.
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New Member
Call the cops, report a break in and stolen trailer. Breaking & entering is a FELONY... He cut the lock? There ya go! Also file a mechanics lien on the trailer.


New Member
Sorry to learn about this.

Since the trailer was under your care and located on your property, and considering that you took the reasonable precaution to lock it, removal of the trailer without your consent constitutes theft from your property.

Since you didn't authorize its removal and didn't really KNOW who took it, the police should have been contacted immediately. Even if you suspected that the trailer's owner took it, let the police contact him and let him explain to them why he cut YOUR lock off and removed the trailer in an underhanded and secretive manner.

Did you happen to obtain his credit card information?

I think many of us are too trusting and willing to take people at their word. We often work for people who we have never met before, placing 100% of our materials, time and energy in their project, yet with no real security that they will pay whatever is owing.

Luckily, you obtained 50% payment in advance (did he pay by cheque and if so, has it cleared the bank?).
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Premium Subscriber
Regardless of any correct colors or paying or not paying..... he can probably be arrested for criminal activity, criminal mischief, breaking & entering and criminal trespass. You don't have to get a lawyer or sue him. You make the call and the police do all the work. Believe me, I know this one for a fact. It happened to me.


New Member
That is ridiculous! So sorry to hear. Sounds like some clients I had when I first started. That's a lot of money to be had for too. Hope the police can be of some assistance - afterall he has broken a couple of laws there, as you, have NOT. Don't go ripping the signs off coz then he might be able to get you in trouble for touching his property - he could come up with some excuse in front of the cops like "i told him i was going to pay him next week... now he got pissed, and he's ripped off my wrap! wtf!". don't go to his level. easier said than done (i know from experience hehe) but definitely worth it (also known from experience).

best of luck


New Member
Sucks! Just one of the very big negatives in this industry.
An "iron-clad" contract and chain-link fencing probably goes a long way (hind sight is 20/20.)


New Member
I hope it works out for you.
At least you will learn, if you're not already doing so, to CYA with documentation in the future.
I'm thinking I would print out something the same as his wrap, put it on coro but at under his name
And hang it in the window at your shop.