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What would you charge to letter this trailer?

Pat Whatley

New Member
7' x 14' trailer, all cut vinyl.

All lettered with Oracal 651, the logo is three colors of layered vinyl. I know I could have it printed but the print will cost me just about what the vinyl is costing and given the choice between the two I'll take the cut vinyl over the print any day.

Lettered at our shop

Would you mind offering a ballpark price of what you'd have charged? I'm just curious because I know how much I charged, and how I figured my pricing, and I know how much I'll make and roughly how long the trailer will take me.....yet I've still gotten bitched at for leaving money on the table. I know pricing varies based on where you are in the country but an estimate would be nice.


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New Member
7'x 14', on the sides, figure you will do at least 6' x 12' 6x12=72 sq ft X 2= 144 sq ft + 5'x6' back door =30 sq ft. total of 174 sq ft. at $10 a sq ft = $1740.00. $5 a sq ft would be $820.00. since your using 651, i would be more inclined to be $5-7 a sq ft. $10 a sq ft i would be using HP VINYL. now this is ONE COLOR PRICING........with 3 colors, i would be least $15 a sq ft. or $2610.00........anything less the $10 is a giveaway.
suggestion: why not make the phone numbers bigger..........and use all the space?


New Member
Joe, even I don't have the balls to charge $2,600. And i have a reputation for high dollar work! It's a nice custom layout, but for that price you could do a total wrap. I'd like to see you get that much. You must be one hell of a salesman.


New Member
i just finished one this week.. customer got pricing from 2 other companies.....

charged him $1500.00. he even told me i was a little bit more than one. and a lot more

than the other.... lower priced job was using cheep vinyl, just to get the job... how did

he make out!


New Member
at least $8oo bux.

I just did a trailer with the same config but an 8 footer instead.. $800 bux. Removed screws and put em back. about 4 hours work.

I also did an 8 footer same config but printed it. cut around the tire wells.. looks great. liquid lam. $800 bux.
they brought it clean.

Pat Whatley

New Member
7'x 14', on the sides, figure you will do at least 6' x 12' blah blah blah
suggestion: why not make the phone numbers bigger..........and use all the space?

You're kidding, right? Why would I possibly want to cram everything right up to the edges? I already thought I'd gotten them a little bigger than I needed to.

Pat Whatley

New Member
400 installed on a saturday morning
Using stolen materials or something? Why would it be cheaper on a Saturday morning? I would think making me work on a weekend would demand premium pricing. My plumber, electrician, the air conditioning guy all charge about 50% extra for weekends. Our pediatrician charges TRIPLE.
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CL Graphics

New Member
NO the reason the industry is in the toilet as you say is because you can buy a cutter for less than a grand and vinyl for 20 bucks a roll. Had a customer in that told me he could buy a pair of magnets from a guy on the other side of town for $35 but the power supply was out in his "machine". Wonder how many sets of those $35 magnets the ole boy will have to sell to pay for that power supply. FYI i charged him $75. Same as anybody else that walks through the door. I would love to be able to charge like some of you guys but I will be looking for a new job if I did. Especially when I see OP's pricing structure on here. I guess if you work from home with no overhead you can charge what you want. All you need is one sucker a month to pay $2500 for simple cut vinyl to keep the lights on and bologny in the fridge...lol


New Member
We would be at $1575 or so, but I've found it's harder to land these ones recently since there is always someone willing to do it for less. I know it's a matter of qualifying the right kinds of customers, I'm just not sure if there's enough of them in our area.

We would also digiprint the multicolored parts and use cut lettering on the rest. All w/ cast 3M vinyl.

Pat Whatley

New Member
around 600-800 here with cast vinyl. so what did you charge pat. why would you use 651 on that

I'd use 651 on it because it's what I use on practically everything. Even on aluminum trailers we're seeing good results after 8 years. On a job this size the price difference between something like Shine-Rite and 651 is only about $25 (yes, I'm aware that for another $35 I could upgrade to premium vinyl)

Plus I've already got the 651 in stock.