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whats ya hobby


Active Member
snowboard when there's snow... and when there's none i play golf, volleyball, football, ultimate frisbee, or "hide the pickle".


New Member
Golf now & then...
Treasure Hunting (Garage Sales, Antique Malls, Craigslist, etc...)

Picked up a Fletcher 2000 48" Mat Cutter at a garage sale this weekend to cut coro with! $50


New Member
My hobbies eat hay!

Eight horses, some retired others still used for rodeo by my daughter. So summers are spent exercising and traveling with them, winters are spent feeding them.


New Member
I've been fishing my entire life and this year i joined a bass club. My fiance and i fish as a team and its been a lot of fun. We actually just won our first tournament yesterday.
Its been great for networking too. I already got enough work from the members of the club to pay for all our tournament expenses and then some.

And with fishing comes boating. All i have to say about that is Break Out Another Thousand...


New Member
I live for golf you might say..... having said that, living up here in southern Ontario, the season is only 7 months long and thats stretching it till the first snowfall. brrrrr ( I have winter golf gloves lol).

Several years back I found this PC golf game (tw) and it came with a golf architect program. I spent hundreds of hours learning all the nuances with the primitive design tools and created 26 18 hole courses that I uploaded for all the other players online to play.
It was almost like a sickness. I cant believe my wife tolerated this behaviour. I was glued to the computer for endless hours. i finally quit and now I sit on my azz wondering what to do.
I did start taking tai Chi about 8 weeks ago and I go twice a week for an hour and I kinda enjoy it.


New Member
I used to do crafty things but since I make stuff all day long, I gave all that up. PS3 is my hobby. I love RPG games. right now I've been playing Star Ocean and went thru it once and am on the second time thru. there are a ton of endings so it keeps me busy.

Si Allen

New Member
Nothing like taking a shotgun to a trap or skeet range and using up 6 or 8 boxes of shells!

If no shotgun program ... then it is rifle or pistol.

My other hobbies are reloading ammo and cooking gourmet food.


New Member
if you like HUMUS.........SI HAS A KICK ASS LEBONESE RECIPE!!!!!!!!!
does SEX count as a hobby????????????????
when not doing that, i sorta garden. got a small KUBOTA, love to put on 3 point attachments and drive the tractor. or take off that stuff and mow.........
my sat are usually at a car show, belong to a local club, gona have a car one of these days.


Premium Subscriber
BallRoom & Latin dancing.

There are many other things, but I wouldn't consider any of them hobbies...

Drinking is fun, but it's not a hobby.... its a necessity. I'm so glad I like it.


New Member
Anything with a motor is what I like to fool with. Got a dragster, a Harley and trying to learn to fly remote control helicopters. At 52 that is the hardest thing I have tried so far to do on my own. Any one need a 7 second dragster need to raise money for helicopter parts.