"Let's see if you feel the same way in another twenty years!"
20 years from now? Hopefully the wife and I will be on a beach in Belize. I've already been doing this for 27 years.
"and 8:15? That's early. Last week I was working til 4AM for days in a row!"
Last week I put in 70 hours, and about the same amount for the 4 weeks prior. I'm on week 6 of a 13 week contract.
"rofl. you put a time? last month me, myself, and i printed 24 hours a day for two weeks. yeah."
Yeah, I print 24/7. That's what the web cams are for. I live 5 minutes from the shop. I'll monitor from home and pop in when it's time to change rolls. Doesn't make for a good deep sleep though.
Oh, I forgot to mention the glass of 15 year old Single Malt I'm sipping on. Like I said, doesn't get much better than this...