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World Cup



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It's better to have two hands than one glove.
I don't get soccer. Teams play for endless hours, fans cut their ears off and throw them onto the field, cities riot, governments are toppled, and the score is one to nothing.

It puts the B into boring. Much like hockey, another miserable excuse for a sport.


New Member
I don't get soccer. Teams play for endless hours, fans cut their ears off and throw them onto the field, cities riot, governments are toppled, and the score is one to nothing.

It puts the B into boring. Much like hockey, another miserable excuse for a sport.

You are an American that's why you can't get soccer.


New Member
I tried watching a game tonight, I really did.

Who's idea was it to give everyone in the crown a big loud plastic horn??
Got a headache after 5 minutes, gave up after 10.


New Member
I chuckle at some of the comments in this thread. Kinda reminds me of the games in another Antipodean location.


New Member
Eddie the Eagle now there was a fine bloke.

Considering the handicaps mother nature placed in the path of our Ed I have to agree....

It takes real balls to enter an alpine event like ski jumping when you come from a country which has neither snow coverage nor mountain ranges... whilst I am by no means an expert on these matters I'm willing to wager that both snow coverage and a suitably steep natural gradient are both fundamental to successful performance in all matters pertaining to said ski jumperage.

Fortunately football suffers from far fewer climatic and geological limitations... if you can find a flat surface and 22 blokes the only other requirement is a round ball.... et voila... a perfectly effective footballing setup is at hand.

Steve C.

New Member
All sports are incredibly boring to me, except American Football. It's the
only one I watch or keep up with at all.

Nazcar...the wrecks are fun to watch, but I get that in 30 seconds on the
sports highlights.
Golf... allow the oponents to block each others shots and maybe it would
be interesting.
Baseball... The only thing entertaining there is watching Little League, (If your
kid's playin'.)
Soccer... they should move the goals closer together and keep 3 or 4 balls
going at the same time....No, on second thought, it would still be boring.

Edited to add: I do enjoy girls beach vollyball...there's a sport!