New Member
I was going to ask you what in tarnation that gizmo was. Looks like an old fashioned Jersey style crack or meth torch from here.
really, they got their own special torches for that kinda thing... funny... no matter where i look at it from... it doesn't look like that to me. all i see is a crème brûlée torch.
You want to get either a Bernz O Matic:
BZ8250HT Trigger-Start Hose Torch
This is a good unit if you want to clip the tank on your belt and use the torch on the end of a 5' hose. Good for working on wraps for example and has a trigger start.
TS4000 Trigger-Start Torch
This is a good trigger start torch mounted in the standard configuration with the torch head on the tank.
Thanks GeeBee!!!
so can i get both of those just a home improvement kinda store?