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Search results

  1. Any reports on the new 7_00.11 firmware yet?

    I find it interesting what people find out from their HP contacts aroubd the world vs what we hear in AU Ive spoken with the lab lads here and what I was told about the preheat for long run is that it is more focused on resolving FULL mag and cyan decap/pigment loading at the start of prints...
  2. XC-540 Users you're my only hope

    Check the bracket that holds the belt to carriage. I had one come loose that would give me the same run around you describe.
  3. New 500 series is not replacing the 360!

    What they do usually is sell the newer units at a higher cost which helps get the older units sold out of the stock, then they will cut the arse out of the 500 series price and stop the 360.
  4. Any reports on the new 7_00.11 firmware yet?

    Most likely they are afraid. The FW only went online for us yesterday, I can only think of one place I would like to install it and give it a good test run, which will really out it through its paces of "long run consistency"
  5. HP 26500 ink channel hold down clips

    No way... Use cable ties mate. Works a charm
  6. L260 caraige rail clean and oil problems

    87:03 is a "reported" friction issue and generally it is that The top rail can build up enough vegimite to stop the carriage (86:01) in its tracks. What you can do is just reboot printer, it does the SAX test on start up. You can try removing the side felts and cleaning up the junk and test...
  7. L260 caraige rail clean and oil problems

    "rails" Have you cleaned and oiled both rails..and all the way to the end not just what you see in the window.
  8. HP Designjet Z2100 44" Color Sensor Issue

    the :10 generally denotes replace. In the pic of the actual colour cal it looks like your scan axis extremely out. Are you having any other issues? noise or the likes? Give the rail and encoder a clean and try again. Ill have a guess that when it positioned the carriage above the solenoid to...
  9. Scitex FB700: Unable to fill print heads after changing ink

    Yep that does happen quite a bit, but that usually gives you the opposite problem - The thermistor thinking ink tank is full so it never requests ink fill. Easy way to check is view thermistor readings via "system info" and do a purge. If ink thermistor states "ink" but nothing or very little...
  10. Scitex FB700: Unable to fill print heads after changing ink

    All this talk of neg pressure lines and filters is a bit weird as its not related to the error at all. The fb7x0/5x0 are odd units and you need to get inside how they think to understand how they error and especially their false errors. What the error is, basically The Thermistors report it...
  11. Printing Blue in HP5500uv results PURPLE - Need Help

    So all heads are firing properly ? I would launch the internal demo print from the 5500 menu the blue train etc etc - dont ask how its been a real long time since Ive had my mits on one It will show you which side of the problem to start working on as if it prints fine from internal hdd then...
  12. Mimaki JV3-250SP issue with error10

    You could download a 30 day trial of onyx - that will sort out what side of the issue you should focus on.
  13. l25500 keeps on getting Error 43:10 restart the printer

    I have actually seen this but only once - also with the scan motor, it was messing up the printmech and throwing out dryer errors. Tis pretty rare indeed but it is definitely possible.
  14. HP FB500 Maintenance Company

    In Australia they do not not come with instructions. Not sure what they do overseas. In a nutshell... Purge the channel of ink. turn off printer make sure 12v ink system back power is plugged in and working. remove carriage cover Use the supplied line lock to clamp the neg air - or all heads...
  15. HP FB500 Maintenance Company

    Better than the nozzle print for sure.
  16. colour lines appearing in prints - Roland VP300

    They are some of the cleanest scuff marks i ever did see, interesting. Well its good to see you got a result.
  17. l25500 keeps on getting Error 43:10 restart the printer

    You might need somebody to come in and troubleshoot the printmech board. He controls the vac, the interconnect is just that, an interconnect board (jumer if you will) There is a fairly in depth doc on printmech and interconnect led diag
  18. colour lines appearing in prints - Roland VP300

    What steps have you taken to resolve so far ?
  19. onyx management, I have onyx postershop version 7 can I run a mutoh 1204 valuejet

    Check the supported devices online at onyxgfx.com, it says no. Generally software that is older than the machine will not work, The software guys dont retro build drivers - its counter productive to sales. Only options try and find a second hand version of 10 or upgrade existing key to v12.
  20. Hp 25500 dirty print.

    Left hand side Sorry mate