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Search results

  1. Looking for someone who can print metallic!!!

    Hey all, I find myself in need of a shop who can print metallic inks. Specifically I am trying to get about 480 sq. ft. of a 1/4" dot pattern to match Accucut's 340 Dark Bronze metallic. I want to print directly to a clear film (3M 3650 Clear Gloss) and we intended to wet apply to panes of...
  2. ProSignRepair.com is expanding into Canada!

    Hey all, Just a quick update to let folks know that we have expanded ProSignRepair.com access into Canada. It has been really awesome to get the positive response we are getting here in the states and the inquiries coming from Canada prompted a faster expansion than originally planned. Next...
  3. A BIG Thank You to All!!!

    I just wanted to throw out a big thank you to everyone who participated in looking at my new website. Because of the questions and comments (both pro & con) I was able to further refine the FAQ page for ProSignRepair.com. I really believe that your willingness to share helped me to communicate...
  4. I have an app in the App Store... woo hoo!

    Every since I got my first generation iphone I have been wishing I could get an app in the store. I am constantly getting these little ideas for games & tools and I suspect most of you fine creative sign folks suffer from the same idea impulses. I have to admit that it was one of the big...
  5. Radical new mobile app for radical new site

    Hey everyone. I am pleased to announce that we have an iphone app for the website. Take a look at this video that I shot last night working with it. You can see that I was able to spot a sign, take a photo and the application geotags the location. All I need to do is type in the business...
  6. Radically new website service - looking for opinions

    Hey all, After much blood, sweat & tears I am releasing a general announcement for a new website concept that I have been working on for the last few years. Some of you were kind enough to provide some constructive criticism in an earlier private post for subscribing members so a special...
  7. My left arm for a good employee....

    ... or at least a reasonable wage :-) We are just slammed with work it seems and we can't seem to find anyone decent. Lot's of folks with no experience at all and some folks that are way out of our league. Monster has proven itself useless, leads out thru the local grapevine haven't been...
  8. Looking for a specific wallpaper / wallcovering media

    I am about pulling my hair out here trying to track down a wallpaper media. This stuff is very similar to Korographics Abaco Beach. It has the suede texture and feels just a hair lighter in weight (feels around 18 -20 oz). The real differences is that it has a paper backer (rather than...
  9. Some interesting wrap projects

    Hey all, Haven't been on in while so I thought I would post a few wrap projects we have done over the last couple of months. The first two were great clients with good ideas on how they wanted to market themselves, had good base images to work with and basically stepped back and let me get all...
  10. Craziest thing you've done for a customer...?

    Here's mine... A couple of months ago we finished up a vehicle wrap for a good client. The truck leaves the shop and heads off to Chicago for an important event. The next day I receive a panicked call letting me know that the installers had failed to complete the window perf and now there was...
  11. Looking for suggestions

    Hey all, As you may (or may not) know I recently started a web site specifically geared towards helping out existing sign professionals & providing guidance for those wo are considering the industry. I won't go into all the details here but a lot of you have gone to the site and have...