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Search results

  1. Perfect, hand lettered, script R in 1 stroke.

    Thought you old school folks would enjoy this! http://viralcircus.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/c8G0RmW.gif
  2. Removal from Hell!

    So we have a 53' trailer with old, old, very old graphics on it. I have no idea who did them originally and it looks like a complete scramble of films and sizes were used. As far as I can determine we have 3M 180c with what looks like 15" Avery A9 & possibly 3M 7125 sections. The .040...
  3. Some clever sign humor

    Sorry if this has been posted before but I thought this was pretty darn funny. Thought you guys would like it. https://twitter.com/WrapperMapper/status/455893481336999936/photo/1
  4. Largest list of graphic installers in the world!

    Hey everyone. It looks like we have been able to put together the single, largest, freely available, online list of professional wrap & graphic installers in the world! We currently have 475 companies in 14 countries and are looking for more. (here is the blog post) If you guys need to find...
  5. Anybody have experience expanding internationally?

    So, long story short, I have been working on a website/service called ProSignRepair.com for a couple of years now. We have been growing fairly well and currently have subscribers taking cities all across the U.S. (Here is a link to the most recent growth map) I recently expanded the service...
  6. 5 Things Printers Wish Wrap Installers Understood

    New article about the ever evolving relationship between printers and installers. No, its not "General Hospital" but hopefully it is useful information. Enjoy! 5 Things Printers Wish Wrap Installers Understood
  7. HELP: Odd print size issue with HP L25500 and PosterShop 10

    So I'm hoping someone has run across this weird little glitch before because its driving me nuts. We are running HP L25500 printers with PosterShop So we printed and wrapped a big 40' truck several months ago. The truck was damaged so it came back for a replacement panel. We...
  8. Professional Wrap Installer... why not do it yourself?

    With such a concentration of professional sign folks here, I thought I would get some opinions on this article about using pro wrap installers instead of trying to do the occasional one on our own. This is how it starts... "What?! Those national wrap installers charge WAY too much! This...
  9. Turn your iPhone into a high powered microscope

    I was watching this DIY project and it occurred to me that 90% of the items and tools needed are already in a sign shop. Plex, plywood, bolts, power drills... no problem. I think I'm going to build this with the kids over the weekend...
  10. Custom map icon design

    So far we have had an incredible response to the new WrapperMapper website which has just been awesome. We are signing up professional wrap installers from all over the globe along with great ideas for improvements and content. One of them was just too cool to pass up so we implemented it...
  11. Map makes it easy to find Wrap Installers

    Hey all, So, being the guy who just can't help but run with an idea when it really grabs me (just like most of you I suspect), I built this new website. It occurred to me a couple of days ago that it was really a pain in the the ole' posterior trying to find good wrap install help out of our...
  12. I'm a big dope... I forgot to keep the brand consistent

    Sometimes we all need a wake up call. Check it out.
  13. Sign Geeks... only sign geeks like us would get so excited

    SO, after years of just "making do", I finally had my new production table built. All aluminum, 60" wide by 12 ft. long and 32" tall so we can bend over it easily. A simple rack & pull system at the end so we can easily load up full rolls of prints, feed it under the bar and one person can...
  14. 9 year old wraps compound curves

    Yes, my 9 year daughter seems to love learning to wrap. I'm trying to ease her into it, make it fun and not put any pressure on her. So far she knows proper cleaning, how to position and mark for placment, basic squeegee technique and how to watch the film as she works. She is doing pretty...
  15. Give it Away For Free... Seriously

    Hey all. Just a new blog post here to check out... Give It Away For Free... Seriously. :thumb:
  16. How much power does an electrical sign consume?

    Hey everyone, I figure if anyone knows, you all would. I am trying to track down stats on how much electricity your typical sign consumes. Of course the first thing that comes to mind are the variables involved in neon vs. fluorescent vs. LED as well as the length of time the sign is...
  17. 5 Steps to Guaranteed Sales... Really?

    I recently got a rather odd question for the ProSignRepair.com website. "How does the website guarantee sales?" To those of us who deal with sales all the time (and know how fickle potential clients can be) this question is definitely out there. Of course it also a perfectly valid question...
  18. City Hall is going to LOVE you...

    ... at least that is my opinion in the latest blog post titled "Why City Hall is going to LOVE you" What do you all think about this? You all have had experience working with your local sign officials, zoning inspectors and sign boards. Do you think they would look favorably on a sign shop...
  19. Opinions please on our new video

    Hey all, We have been messing around with a new video and was hoping to get some feedback. This just is a rough cut but I think it does a good job of communicating the concept. We are going to add some voice over elements and change the call to action but I think we are on the right track...
  20. Full Time Wrap Installer needed

    Hey all, We are looking for a Full Time wrap installer with at least a couple of years’ experience for an established wrap shop in Columbus OH. We have a good volume of large box trucks, trailers, vans and cars with a decent amount of wall, barricade and window perf applications. We are...