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Search results

  1. New rear window signage....

    Honestly??? Have you even seen his work??? I suggest you look at his website before you say anything else, it might even give you some inspiration...do it....now! http://www.diazmedia.com/ http://www.diazsignart.com/logo_design/logo_design.html
  2. Bad Logo Help

    Are those POT leaves???????? jhill you took the words right out of my mouth...
  3. Amd Fx or Intel 2nd Gen Processors

    I was just yanking your chain a bit...No harm meant.
  4. Amd Fx or Intel 2nd Gen Processors

    If i go the i7 route which should i choose bc i have seen some that are around $500 to $600 dollars
  5. Amd Fx or Intel 2nd Gen Processors

    Did you forget to drink your coffee this am?....lol:covereyes:
  6. Amd Fx or Intel 2nd Gen Processors

    What are your thoughts on these two processors and which one would you prefer?
  7. Flexi and Vectors

    IMO flexi doesnt use the much of the pc resources im guessing it only uses the software or maybe i have no clue what im talking about.....it is kinda early in the am...lol
  8. Flexi and Vectors

    Exactly what happens to me, nothing changes in the usage of the processor or ram.
  9. Flexi and Vectors

    FlexiSign 10.0.5, 16gb ram, amd fx 6-core unlocked black edition processor, 1gb graphic card msi mainboard and yet i too have these same issues with flexi.
  10. "Pirate" font request

  11. Thought i would share this.

    These 2 are by far my fav. http://forum.xcitefun.net/creative-ads-using-oversized-objects-t73059.html
  12. Pub Logo

    hand drawn...sorry...lol
  13. Pub Logo

    noob question.....how do i create a bevel effect like that? is it done by hand?
  14. service truck

    All jokes aside this forum is really helpful you just have to be open minded and not take some of the things said so seriously.
  15. service truck

    Just like if you go to get your car worked on do want the guy working on it to be rude or helpful cuz I'm sure most of you here don't even know how to pop your hood if i'm paying someone to fix my car and if they are rude i will just go to another place that's nice....hint hint.....you...
  16. service truck

    If i remember correctly you asked for opinions. So thats what you got Opinions!
  17. Pub Logo

  18. service truck

    i THINK I FIGURED IT OUT.....3 phone numbers 3 groups of numbers in a phone number....hhhmmm see the truck catch the area code look up again as your writing it down catch the next 3 digits write it down look up again bam there ya go you catch the last 4 digits as the truck rolls past....
  19. service truck

    What was the phone number again???
  20. service truck
