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Search results

  1. Broken usb dongle for flexi, how much to get a new one

    dongle I just recently got a new usb dongle it only cost me $105.00 plus shipping...... give these guys a call at GraphixDirect they also have a web site.... Great people with fast service!! GraphixDirect Valerie Hook...
  2. help w/ flexi

    try making the art board in flexi the same size as the artwork....we had to make ours an the size of a letter then change our artwork to this size so when sending a proof to a customer it would look right.
  3. New company logo! Critique?

    Simple and elegant....:thumb:
  4. gradient ?

    +1:thumb: also im still confused about the google thing.:help
  5. gradient ?

    is it possible to get a fade from transparent to black in flexi like you can in photoshop?
  6. FalconOutdoor & Flexi - Blue is NOT Blue

    the link doesn't work for me can you upload a diff one
  7. What is the stupidest thing you did at the shop?

    when i first started in this biz i was pulling the transfer paper off of a 4x8 sign i just lettered and i still had the exacto knife in my hand, well for some freaking reason the paper tore and i stabbed myself in the neck.....only made that mistake once.....:doh::doh:
  8. What is the stupidest thing you did at the shop?

  9. doesnt look right

    thanks bob!:thumb:
  10. doesnt look right

    well im not sure what type of clients she has or is hoping to get. but i do see your point im a rookie to this biz. I have only been doing this for 19 months and just started doing my own design for the last 5 months. I mainly just do installs and help design when he doesnt want to do it or...
  11. doesnt look right

    she works out of her home if that helps
  12. doesnt look right

    Just smile and wave boys, just smile and wave
  13. doesnt look right

    lol.....sorry i ment to post here first
  14. doesnt look right

    its a magnet and he wants all this info in the design
  15. doesnt look right

    this is something that my boss wants me to do for his hair stylist but im not sure if it looks good enough. Any thoughts on this would be helpful.
  16. Font ID Please

    Thanks a million :thumb:
  17. Font ID Please

    Can anyone help with this font?
  18. scissors

  19. scissors

    What is the best pair of scissors you have found for this line of work? I'm tired of buying the cheap ones bc within a week they are trashed.
  20. Just finished

    I like your method as well ddubia....a patern works great for this kind of job bc the company has 18 busses $$$$$