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  1. Just finished

    I do better when i work alone...been doing it for almost two years alone 80% of the time and im glad too bc i have learned alot by just going out and getting it done.
  2. Just finished

    No..we used the the pen tool. It also depends on the size of the paper you can get your hands on bigger the better we were lucky enough to know some people who work at the paper mill and we had a roll of 48 inch blank paper given to us but we still have paper from them that has som graphics on...
  3. Just finished

    make a hinge at the top and tape all the pieces up take the pattern off step back see what needs fine tuning and start slapping some vinyl down..
  4. Just finished

    yes indeed.
  5. Wednesday Coro-Plane update. She's In!!

    wouldnt you need some kind of heat protectant film so the coro doesnt melt from the heat from the exhaust
  6. Just finished

    Vinyl....This was my first one to do but my boss had done 4 prior to this one.
  7. Just finished

    the only help i had was my boss helping me put up the pattern which was the lenght of the freaking bus but other than that it was all me.
  8. Just finished

    forgot to add....I installed them both the truck was cake but that dang bus, jeez!!!!!:frustrated:
  9. Just finished

    the bus yes but on the truck the customer had someone design it and he brought us the file but i had to go in and do a contour cut around it. He wouldnt let us change anything on the design "he loved it" oh well customer gets what they want i guess, no matter what my opinion is sometimes.
  10. Just finished

    The bus was fineshed about an hour ago and the truck was done yesterday.
  11. my jeep grand cheerokee

    My main question i guess is should i worry about the vinyl not sticking good to the plastic
  12. my jeep grand cheerokee

    ummm? Not even a hint? Have i been banned from getting help or is this a dumb post?
  13. my jeep grand cheerokee

    Hello all, Im thinking of covering the plastic molding on the sides and the front and rear bumper with matt black or carbon fiber is there any film that would be recomended for this task?
  14. employee pay

    Lets talk. :beer
  15. employee pay

    table monkey, design when needed (simple layouts), wraps are not a big demand in this town. Vacay after a year
  16. employee pay

    40 hrs a week
  17. employee pay

    Yes producing no benifits
  18. employee pay

    How much is the going pay rate for an employee? Also what is the starting pay and what would it be for an employee thats been with your company for 2yrs. (not a designer or wrap installer)
  19. flexi pantone chart

    thanks guys. cheers:bushmill:
  20. flexi pantone chart

    does flexi have a printable pantone chart so i can see what my printer prints when i use the pantone swatch table.