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Search results

  1. Agfa Anapurna M2500 Series 500 Unexpired Ink for Sale

    oh damn...what went wrong? shoot me an email... wyldbill@wyldgfi.com
  2. HP Scitex or R1000

    Apparently someone here is off-ing an anapurna 2500 machine. Thats a solid UV printer. Based on Dili technology with agfa nameplate only. --- Check that...more info and its a dead machine. Sorry.
  3. Agfa Anapurna M2500 Series 500 Unexpired Ink for Sale

    Why are you getting rid of your 'Purna?
  4. Buying a new print/plotter and a cold laminator

    There are a number of good laminators out there. Kala Mistral is a good one.
  5. suggestions on printing aluminum boards

    We would print, router and lam on a sled....flip to the other side and lam again. Time consuming but easier than mounting.
  6. Scammer is still at it

    Sign them up for election notification emails thru RNC or DNC....whatever...lol
  7. Rant Hating UPS this morning

    This is an ongoing issue with oversize packages. They go to a different sorting area specifically and it seems that they 99% of the time get left there overnight. I worked for UPS so many moons ago as a young'n. Just freaking sucks and makes me sick. Like we need more stress and angst in...
  8. HP Scitex or R1000

    Look into more of a standard UV ink printer....LED types of lamps are amazing. You should be able to find something reasonably priced between the R series and the old scitex. Sometimes you need to widen your field of view to find the diamond out there that fits your needs and budget.
  9. Buying a new print/plotter and a cold laminator

    Welcome aboard BTW.....if you already have a plotter, why buy a print/cut combo machine? Having to feed back thru the printer to cut ties up your ability to print when you need to IMO. From day one for me personally, we always had 2 separate machines and it allowed us more flexibility to do...
  10. Large quantity cut vinyl supplier

    Would they accept a clear decal with CMYK + white or just white ink vs cut vinyl??
  11. Rant Hating UPS this morning

    Important client of ours and shipped out a Step and Repeat banner to Nashville for them Next day air...well, it hasn't moved from the local hub. Event schedule is unsure as of now BUT its supposed to be at the university by 10:30 am local time. This always happens with them...a long tube, sits...
  12. Is your lunch climate change friendly??

    We print LOADS of paper posters...100% recyclable. Foam and gator...loads of them too but not recyclable. I would like to see more clients go to converd or other sustainable boards but PVC and such will never loose their grip.
  13. Hot folder for cut files help

    Sorry, Cant help you with Onyx... I know Caldera has deposit folders for each cutter we use. Whether local or across a network its the same for us as far as depositing the files automatically.
  14. Hot folder for cut files help

    What RIP are you using?
  15. Reverse print on clear, laminate with white then cut. But how?

    We would run as Mirror print....white ink backup and then go to our Graphtec or Colex. Much easier process. Doing full windows or such....we print mirror than lam with white vinyl and trim to image.
  16. Print/Plot with HIP

    Styrene? We've never had that issue on our AGFA
  17. Direct UV print to backlit washed out when lit.

    Have you reached out to Caldera thru support desk yet?
  18. Direct UV print to backlit washed out when lit.

    Yes. Double hit for sure...OR....Image/WL/Image..(day night backlit)
  19. No "convert fonts" options when doing a save as pdf?

    In Adobe...you need to convert manually before "saving as". Its quite easy as well...just have to remember to do it. We run into that issues with clients as well...especially when we need to set up for contour cutting. Otherwise, it only embeds them for use in a rip or as placed document/image.
  20. Is your lunch climate change friendly??

    Just had chicken fried steak and sausage gravy...does that qualify as environmentally friendly? lol...it sure as hell wasn't from panera.