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Search results

  1. Suggestions Anyone with Colex tables...

    Recently had all 6 of our vacuum fans go bad consecutively. I couldn't believe it, all of them within a month's time. So, after the last one failed....we searched out the part # online and found the same fans here at much less than the MFR pricing. https://www.alliedelec.com/ Vacuum Motor...
  2. News Continuing our Sale! Finished Banner & Mesh....

    Still going strong & Awesome quality all the time.
  3. Looking for a substrate at .050" thickness that can be backlit

    You can get in various thicknesses....so if you're laminating a print to it, it would likely stand alone if it had to. Think of styrene handling and it would be similar as to how that works.
  4. Discussion Choosing the right 60"+ LAMINATOR

    100% yes. We had a model from a vendor of ours, imported from China and it lasted us 5 years or so...but the AGL is hands down awesome. Laminating roll to roll or even flat rigid prints it does the job right the 1st time. Heated top roller....works great. Just had to run an upgraded power...
  5. Discussion Choosing the right 60"+ LAMINATOR

    We have an AGL Encore. Its a beast and does an awesome job. IT was an investment and one Im happy I made for my company.
  6. Mid-term 80/20 or 70/30 Window Perforated recommendation

    Ultraflexx or Glantz is ok short term. Long term I go with Contravision.
  7. Discussion Choosing the right 60"+ LAMINATOR

    Seal isn't bad....I would stay away from RS had one and didn't like it much. Small rollers didnt help. AGL I believe has the Compadre....its imported likely but not 100% on that fact. I almost got it and really liked it. Seems robust and easily maintainable. Have to worry about power too...
  8. Anyone actively pushing “green” materials?

    We offered a number of paperboards to try and substitute for PVC or foam boards and nobody ever really took us up on them. Pricing was same and never an increase actually....it just never took off. Some of our clients do hospital signs so they need to be cleanable. Paper product wouldn't work...
  9. News Continuing our Sale! Finished Banner & Mesh....

    We are continuing our Finished vinyl Banner & Mesh sale! Due to its popularity, we have decided to continue our current sale pricing. Ad is on the link here: Finished Banner Sale PM or Email for any questions or specific quotes...be sure to mention Signs 101.
  10. Finished Banner Sale

    Due to awesome demand, we are continuing our Sale for the month of October!
  11. What do you print on when a client requests posters

    Depending on the qty we run Roll to roll thru the UV (short runs or satin prints) & larger runs thru the Latex (glossy). Either way they come out awesome for us on our 9 or 17 pt poster paper.
  12. Need Help Printing Reflective Aluminum Signs

    We print on reflective all the time as well with great results...mostly latex but some UV.
  13. Smile, if you're old enough to remember...

    I was born in 1972 and I remember those. Great things!!
  14. Taxes when selling to fleet leasing service..?

    Wouldnt the leasing company be a technical reseller of your product? They're likely adding a couple $$ onto your product. We do stuff like this often. They are actually liable for collecting any sales tax for the decals and such. As said above...get their tax ID information and hold onto it.
  15. Solution for "magnetics", on aluminum trucks

    Micro Suction Cup tape??? Just did a google search and it popped up. I wouldn't drive 75 with it there...but has potential.
  16. Question Print result size is less than the size I want to print

    Its test and trial. Self Adhesive vinyl will stretch or shrink at a different rate than banner. Its all on you to figure that one out based on your specific medias.
  17. Question Just want to understand EPS files

    Actually on the EPS logo the paths are intact. Everything is connected from what we can see here. One control handle effects the shape of the curve on the outside of the logo.
  18. Question Just want to understand EPS files

    Our experience has been just the opposite with Illustrator and Corel. We work in Adobe almost exclusively with files being sent to us as both EPS and PDF generated by Corel. When we see gradient fills or any type of special fill, they come in as raster within the files. Illustrator exporting...
  19. Building a room for our new flatbed printer, any tips or suggestions?

    Think of Exhaust as well. Some flatbeds dont have much odor, but most do and even the low odor ones you should vent out some if you are enclosing in a room. Nothing like running a job all day and going home smelling like the ink.