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Search results

  1. My Very First 3D Sign w/ the Shaper Origin

    I had forgotten about this post. Good to see it come up again. A couple of photos of jobs done with my Shaper. All done using H.D.U. Also...Gorilla glue works great for gluing foam together, I recommend using the "clear" gorilla glue because it doesn't foam up like the other one.
  2. Which Type Glue?

    The "clear" Gorilla glue doesn't foam out like the other, but holds just as well.
  3. My Very First 3D Sign w/ the Shaper Origin

    I am really enjoying my Shaper. I bought it to help replace sandblasting signs. The cost of shaper tape in nothing when compared to the cost of Sandblast mask, cutting, weeding and applying. And the time it takes to do all that.
  4. My Very First 3D Sign w/ the Shaper Origin

    Looking good. I got my Shaper in the first batch release. I bought some of that foam to practice, but ended up practicing in Sign Foam. I have done several jobs with mine and currently have two 4' x 8' x 1.5'' Sign foam panels waiting. Cutting a glue channel is a good idea when stacking...
  5. Discussion Pre 1980 brushwork of all kinds.......................

    The "Piano Specialist and Phone" were from a Gerber 4B pounce pattern
  6. Question on sandblasting HDU foam

    I would make two out of 1'' foam. And then sandwich a 1/2'' of bigger sheet of PVC between them...Use Gorilla glue .
  7. Making a time-lapse video

    I bought this about one year ago. Brinno TLC200 Time Lapse and Stop Motion HD Video Camera - Green It works great and was only $122.00
  8. best sign related injury :)

    I turned and stepped off of a ladder while still on the second step. (It sure seemed like a long way down) Numerous cuts and lacerations from blades. Was using the Electro Pounce, and forgot to take off my watch (with elastic metal band)
  9. GS15 Plus beeping on start up

    Try cleaning again and blowing with a little compressed air. A little dust can be the problem.
  10. Problems making a pounce pattern

    My first thought is, Check the "Theta belt" if that appears to be good. There is a sensor on the Z motor so that it can find "home" when you turn the machine on. That can be cleaned well with a q-tip and some alcohol. Sometimes just blowing the dust out doesn't get it all.
  11. Recommendation for buying 1 (accurate ) vehicle template?

    Signshop Helper - Vehicle Templates I've bought several templates from them.
  12. $1500 shaper origin handheld cnc router at the end of this month who's buying?

    I got mine last Friday. Unfortunately I am so busy with work. I have only had one day (last Sunday) to experiment with it. It is, by far. The coolest tool ever made!!!
  13. Shaper Origin CNC

    I got mine on Friday the 27th. I played with it for a few hours on Sunday. I still think this is one of the coolest machines ever made.
  14. Best trade show vendors?

    Betsy Earle Event Driven Solutions 888-414-1991 x101
  15. Need a brush case!

    I have used mineral oil for a long time. And here is a link to a brush box that I built years ago. Sunday Story Time or the building of a Brush Box
  16. Need Help Considering a CNC Router

    It sounds like you haven't seen the new "Shaper". I bought one of these last September, I haven't received it yet....Production hasn't started. But the time for it to arrive is getting closer. (I can hardly wait). It is a brand new type of CNC router and I think it will be the greatest tool I...
  17. Recommended hole punch for 040 aluminum blanks

    Harbor Freight has one that looks very much like the "Roper" I've got one. Has worked great for years.
  18. Installing 4x4 sign Posts

    I wouldn't' bother with concrete on a sign like this. But I would put 30'' - 35'' inches of post into the ground, and pack it real good when refilling the hole. Here in Florida. I can dig a hole, drop a 4 x 4 post with a PVC sleeve around it. And pack more dirt back in, than I took out.