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Search results

  1. Door Handle Removal

    +1 We have a deal with a local body guy. He comes in the night before and removes as much as he can for $60. The quality of our wraps have shot through the roof. Our customers LOVE IT! It's all about how you sell it. I tell them it allows for the best wrap possible and they never have a...
  2. Getting ready to upgrade! :)

    Awesome. I have a 30" summa s75 d series. Should I upgrade to bigger cutter as well?
  3. Getting ready to upgrade! :)

    Well, the last two years have been awesome. We have worked our sp-540i to death. Our volume is up and (thank the Lord) show no signs of stopping. I wanted to reach out to my friends of s101. I've appreciated your advice before. I need to know what you think about Roland's XC-540. I've heard so...
  4. wrap vinyl

    We love the Arlon 6000. Absolutely incredible.
  5. Shop Truck Partial Wrap

    Absolutely love it. Absolutely. love. it. Great work man. Truly a piece of art.
  6. Jumping on the HP Latex bandwagon

    Seriously thinking about it.
  7. Signs101 WRAP CONTEST

    Printed on Arlon Wrap. Designed, Printed and Installed in house. Took 16 hours to install. Sorry for the limited pictures.
  8. New Printer

    Suggestions on where to learn about profiles and implement them?
  9. New Printer

    We currently have a SP-540i and it doesn't stop. We print banners, decals, wraps, and anything else that makes money. We need an increase in quality and efficiency. The print cut option sucks. I think we want to move to a printer and separate cutter. Thoughts? I'll go ahead and admit that...
  10. 3m is offering wraps to endusers

    We've been using Arlon now and are VERY happy with it. The Avery product with 1.3 mil lam is a great product for complex curves. We wrapped a PT Cruiser with it and we satisfied. 3M can go get bent. My market is built on reputation and relationship. I'm not worried at all.
  11. Aftermarket take up system and dryer

    I have a Roland SP-540i and we are printing a ton right now. Last week my guys didn't let the prints cure long enough and destroyed 75% of the product. We lost a ton of money. They are telling me that they can't work at the pace I need them to if they have to wait on the prints to dry. My...
  12. Can you teach me to print shirts???

    As a business owner, we have so much extra time to teach others. However, I have to agree with the above. People being nice is such a rare occurrence. I'm sure someone has done something for you that they had no reason to do. Situations like this are what make life worth living sometimes. If...
  13. I'M RE-BRANDING. Thoughts on new logo?

    That logo really says that to you? I guess I don't read enough in to logos. I love where it's headed. I think the logo speaks to being on the front edge of design. This particular logo will look good without grunge. It will be able to have a minor change done to it to keep it current once...
  14. When wrapping a large RV/Bus

    How busy are you? How comfortable with the job are you? If you're dead slow, give them incentive to do it. If you're slammed, charge 10% more than normal. Im booked through middle of February. Nobody is getting a break in price from me right now. However, if we were dead, I'd be getting work...
  15. Attempt at my logo

    FANTASTIC! two thumbs up!
  16. Starting a new business

    Totally, I have no idea why it's coming up as a recent topic. Sorry guys.
  17. Starting a new business

    Interesting on the date, I literally posted that 5 days ago. No turning wrenches for me:covereyes:
  18. Starting a new business

    Look man, the best thing you can hear is the scary stuff. If you can hear the scary stuff and still want to do it, you might have a chance. Owning your business sucks most of the time. Im at the shop at quarter after four in the morning and haven't gone to sleep. Im supposed to be happy because...
  19. Biz cards.

    you can make a ton of money using 4over. 4over is one of the best things that has happened to our business.