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Search results

  1. No longer offering Font finds

    He might inspire you, but you must aspire to be like him. Sorry, we are sign people. Grammar is part of the business.
  2. Outdoor Digital Print Vinyl on Old Substrate

    Say no to refacing. Just quote him the job with a new panel.
  3. Sandblasted Wood Sign

    Why not apply vinyl. Paint and then peel the vinyl and then finish with a clear coat. If your only using the sandblasting to remove paint and not for depth then this will achieve the same effect and you can do it in house.
  4. 48" hotdog. Seriously....

    Because their smart wieners.
  5. Spotted this crazy one yesterday

    TST FLU license plate and those are virus cells. Probably has something to do with getting tested for the flu
  6. Darned if I can find it......

  7. Material for Wooden Bat Decals

    Laser engraved and they rub an ink into it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQHnR-HHVwg
  8. Material for Wooden Bat Decals

    Possibly Laser Engraved? This would burn the wood giving you the dark look. I was thinking some might be Lazer engraved and painted real quick also.
  9. Material for Wooden Bat Decals

    Screen Print.
  10. New computertablet

    Followed the link and it's now $193. You must be increasing demand so they are raising the price.
  11. Plastic cards with foil and spotuv??

  12. Press Type or Dry Transfer lettering

    There are some threads as well as tons of youtube on "waterslide decals" It's a foil process but is as simple as a laminator and home printer with some foils you can buy online. Could be good for you.
  13. Graphtec FC7000 MK-2-75 Cutting pressure issue.

    If you are getting varying results across the width of your material. Cutting strip.
  14. what force do you guys set your plotter when cutting laminated vinyl graphics?

    Even if all these things were the exact same. You still might be different. If you increase or decrease the amount of blade exposed the pressure required might be different.
  15. Styrene on my Latex 370??

    This just keep slowing it down and lowering the temp until your dry and it's not warping. Problem is you might never reach a point where it cures correctly to the material. So even if it's dried and still flat it might just flake right off.
  16. Rounding 080 alum by hand

    Lassco Corner Rounder. Go for the name brand stuff. The cheaper stuff breaks quicker. Especially if your using a hand press to cut .080. Go to Lassco Wizer website and they have some really good machines for more production. There was another 4 sided tool that you could search the forums...
  17. 60" Polycarbonate Laminate?

    Concept has a 61". I think your going to find that laminate is 61" or 62" not 60" http://www.signsupply.com/media/gf/103.asp
  18. How should I hang this sign?

    Don't have the knowledge for the sign install but the window install. Take a 2"x10"x10' slat with you and lay it on one of the higher steps. Then on the other side(left) put a ladder on the ground and put the 2x10 through the ladder so it comes out a little on the other side. To give yourself...
  19. Coroplast "hot dog" Stand

    Did a little Extra work. The company name is USA Sign Frame and Stake .95cents each must buy 50 pieces. Grimco you can buy 1 and it's still $1.20 http://www.usasignframeandstake.com/products.html#HotdogStand
  20. Coroplast "hot dog" Stand

    Do you have an account with Grimco. They carry them. Online price is $1.95 My price through them is $1.20each order online $1.16each.