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  1. Check This Sign...

    Hey GAC05, i think he was "pumping" when he took the photo.
  2. Check This Sign...

    Thats a good one
  3. Surgery Early in the Morning

    I Didn't hear nothing on arlo yet. Bet first chance he gets internet access, he'll jump on. Wishing you a fast recovery arlo. Let us know first chance you get.
  4. It's so hot...

    It's so f#@kn hot, i can wrap a motorcycle helmet without a heat gun.
  5. Customers over my shoulder, how can i stop this ?

    lol and it probably gets them nervous knowing your nervous. lol I will try that too.
  6. Customers over my shoulder, how can i stop this ?

    I like that swinging "half door" idea with a employees sign on it. I tried everything else.
  7. Just printed

    Let's see how this comes out
  8. Just printed

    Just Printed 2 5'w x 25"h temp graphics for a bachelor. Gotta put it on a rv in the morning. LMAO
  9. Getting into screen printing coro signs

    LMAO. great vid. Now i know what it's like
  10. Customers over my shoulder, how can i stop this ?

    I can do that or i can replace the door with a steel vault door, kinda like the ones at the bank with a turn wheel & combination. One thing though, there's not a whole lotta money here.
  11. Getting into screen printing coro signs

    I heard of some local sign guys getting out of the screen printing biz because of the smell. They probably didn't have proper ventilation, but what do i know, never did it so i'm not sure what it's like.
  12. Customers over my shoulder, how can i stop this ?

    That's too funny GG. You didn't bring a fold out table to play cards??
  13. Customers over my shoulder, how can i stop this ?

    They wait while i do simple decals or magnetics. But they rather come back in the work area where there is no air condition, tv, magazines, water cooler etc. I Can't figure it out. Maybe i should place menus of front for local food delivery to help pass their time. Sign & restaurant business...
  14. Customers over my shoulder, how can i stop this ?

    lol, walk right into their house & help myself at the dinner table or maybe Maybe just take a couple barricades with flashing lights from a construction site & set it up by the door. On a serious note, What does everyone else do ??
  15. Customers over my shoulder, how can i stop this ?

    In our waiting room, I installed cable tv, water cooler, magazines & music if desired & i also have air condition up front. I also placed a sign on the door that leads from the waiting room to the back of our shop where we work that says " Employees Only" But they walk right past that sign like...
  16. T-Shirt Press... which one?

    Try hixcorp.com
  17. New customers card design

    Limit yourself to 2 typefaces, i think i counted 4. Not a big fan of yellow for cleaning, try a more subtle color.
  18. font id

    Your good tiki, I kinda like the font.
  19. font id

    Looks like it was spray painted on a wall, but too small to tell.
  20. Chicago Eats

    Go Cubs !!