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Search results

  1. edge quality on Latex 360

    bump, just want folks to see this.
  2. edge quality on Latex 360

    Firmware 04_10.2 causes problems in new printer installations Be aware. This was released from HP today. If you have already performed the update it should be ok. It seems it can be a problem during the initial installation process. From HP: FW 04_10.2, published on Monday (February 2)...
  3. Running my Roland Machines with a diesel Generator

    +1 if you don't use one you will get odd print issues and board/head failures. The power isn't always clean or consistent from a generator.
  4. edge quality on Latex 360

    Set yourself a calendar reminder every 2 months to check for firmware updates on this printer for the first year. This is the best way to ensure you avoid missing these. Used to be I would "wait and see" on firmware updates, but now that so much of the print quality is dependant upon onboard...
  5. edge quality on Latex 360

    HP Latex Firmware Update Strongly Recommended: Update all printers to FW NEXUS_00_04_10.2 29 Jan 2015 http://h20565.www2.hp.com/hpsc/swd/public/readIndex?sp4ts.oid=6838373&lang=en&cc=us
  6. OEM latex ink

    Sam, Not hat you care, but I wasn't knocking your ink. I was referring to its probable Beta state back at the end of 2010. I'm sure you have made progress with it. That does not change my opinion of FLAAR. Sending me a link of how buddy you are with them doesn't help my opinion of your...
  7. Printing issues on hp design jet L25500

    Just for folks who may search this thread, I copied this from another Latex post I responded to: In my opinion the only way to get good consistent color on wraps using the L25500 and L26500 is to: 1. Load new heads before color critical large print job (for example a tractor trailer for John...
  8. HP L26500 Color Issues

    Yes, I agree Humidity and Temp play a huge factor with these printers. I have a climate controlled setup, this is by design. IF you are in a high humidity/temp environment without it you will have a fight on your hands with color management.
  9. HP L26500 Color Issues

    +1 on this
  10. HP L26500 Color Issues

    It could be a consequence of ambient room temperature (because the second printer is off-on heating the room) or even voltage disruptions. I would put an Innovolt power conditioner in line. These are plug and play. I have one myself. Very easy to read and see whats going on. About $350...
  11. HP L26500 Color Issues

    In my opinion the only way to get good consistent color on wraps using the L25500 and L26500 is to: 1. Load new heads before color critical large print job (for example a tractor trailer for John Deere) (I save the partial heads for later and just in case) 2. Flip every other tile to help with...
  12. HP L25500 wide format printer and Seal 54 Base laminator For Sale

    Seal 54 Base (used under 10 hours) http://www.neschenamericas.com/websites/sealbrands/sealweb.nsf/htmlalias/seal54base Price $7500 HP Designjet L25500 60-in Latex Printer http://h10010.www1.hp.com/wwpc/ca/en/ga/WF06b/18972-18972-3328061-3328080-3328080-3974848-3974855.html?dnr=1 Current...
  13. high production printing cost on HP Latex printer

    .28 to .35 pr square foot on average, but can vary throughout the year.
  14. Profiling Media

    I have an i1 Basic for sale. It will interface with Onyx Productionhouse to build nice profiles. asking $475. Just PM me if you are interested. I was planning to put it up on Ebay for $550 later this week, but might as well keep it in the family. :wink:
  15. HP Latex Panel Color Shift

    I will change all of the heads at once and see what the results are. I assume that it will help, but I will monitor and report. Just fishing for info.
  16. HP Latex Panel Color Shift

    In the past I have noticed a pronounced shift from job to job....occasionally, but it was traced to alignment or linerization issues. This seems different and varies within the job. Just in Magenta and Cyan right now.
  17. HP Latex Panel Color Shift

    Has anyone seen a color shift from panel to panel on the same print job? Any suggestions on possible resolutions?
  18. Painting pressure treated wood white

    Thanks for all the great advice!