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Search results

  1. New Store Sign, Chrome?

    why not just do the logo like it is?
  2. opening next door to competitor? Ethics v/s food on the table

    If done right I think you can have fun with it, Think audi vs bmw billboard war. If you have different services, even a few, you can create a symbiotic relationship with the existing business and make everyone money
  3. Too much in receivables

    no sign until check in hand?
  4. tell us about your side/fun projects

    Its like something out of doctor suess, that is awesome.
  5. Another new member

    Welcome from NC. Everyones gotta start somewhere, What is the machine you have been offered? even if it is just a plotter you will surprised at whats possible with layering and lots of patience. If your trying to get into automotive work you can do your own paintmask and produce masks for other...
  6. tell us about your side/fun projects

    Just got a couple projects from family (brother, and future sister in law), and I can't wait to get started. For my brother I will be taking elements from the cobra Jet logo and incorporating them into this this is going to be fun. For my future in-law, she is doing a dog treat marketed...
  7. Self Portrait Designed in CorelDRAW

    I totally forgot about the transparancy tool, its kind of hidden compared to illustrator... I need to practice with it more.
  8. So Just how fast IS your Plotter...Really!

    I keep my DGI OM-70 at about 9 or 10, but if I really want to go nuts I crank it up to 11.
  9. Self Portrait Designed in CorelDRAW

    My mind is blown. I'm on X4 and I can't even imagine what doing stuff like that, especially with the mesh tool being garbage. How improved if any is it in X7?
  10. Before and After Cleaning Service Logo

    even the b&w looks awesome, good work.
  11. testing material and laminate

    my inexperienced logic says no only because I think when you move up in size, weight increases, which will not help, but theres also more surface area to help hold it up. Just my thoughts though, hopefully someone who has done this sort of thing will chime in.
  12. Wraps/ high end selling.... To who????

    I was also planning on starting to get into wraps, if not with the company I work at, then on my own. My plan was to wrap my own car, and hit local car shows and mingle with the crowd, plus car shows are really fun to do on saturday mornings.
  13. Painted Billboard

    Great work as always. you should do a time lapse video on your next one.
  14. How much compensation for a employee with zero experience/competency?

    So you hired a guy with no experience and didn't have any other people with some experience walk through your door? did he just walk in one day and ask for a job? Are/were you advertising you were hiring? Depending on where you live wage varies. NYC should be double what your paying him. if...
  15. Throwback Thursday: post your first set of wheels.

    wow a 300zx newspaper carrier, you mustve had your route done in no time. TT or NA?
  16. How do I increase the pick radius in Corel 14?

    wow I wish someone told me about this sooner. great tool to know is available
  17. How do I increase the pick radius in Corel 14?

    I never liked how i had to select the whole object and never knew how to fix it. thank you for this tidbit.
  18. How much time do you estimate for employee to hem & grommet 15 banners?

    I always think to myself/tell the guy I work with, I could either hurry and do it in such and such time, and probably make it FUBAR and redo it, or take my time and do it right once... some people don't get that logic
  19. Throwback Thursday: post your first set of wheels.

    I used to want one of these so bad when I was like 12. still do just not as much.
  20. Throwback Thursday: post your first set of wheels.

    If it was a little older and green we could call you Janitor. I wish vans would do the whole retro thing the muscle cars did. They looked so much better back then I think.