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Search results

  1. It's only gonna get tougher

    OK, I see where you are coming from.
  2. It's only gonna get tougher

    OK Colin what gives. First you are complaining about it and now you admit to participating. If you participate you are only contributing to the problem and making it viable What you should be saying is that you are mad that you took the time to design something and lost out to someone. That is...
  3. Ripping on a MAC - what software you using?

    Doubtful. You need a valid Windows license to run Windows programs. That should not change. Anything else would circumvent some EULA It certainly won't happen on Mac OSx Lion Darwine project is what you are thinking of. Not produced by apple but rather some other developer
  4. Credit card sales?

    I rarely carry cash anymore. I cannot imagine not accepting credit card payments. Between credit and debit cards the number will only increase Paypal is nice but don't rely on it 100%. If a buyer ever disputes anything you could have your account frozen until it is resolved. Then you are stuck
  5. what do you call this

    Just redraw it. Probably 20 minutes or less
  6. For all the iPad haters out there

    You are an asshat. In other words, if you like Apple then you must be gay. Yeah and peecee users like to recite Star Wars movies, live in their parents basement and have never seen a vagina in real life
  7. What should I be making? Graphics Dept Head

    Yeah, I thought 20/hr was low on ProWraps in California. Don't houses cost half a mil while you can get the same for 200 in the Midwest?
  8. new direction of work!

    Great, now you've ruined Ghost for me
  9. Font help?

    Futura XBold for Auto
  10. New website launch ....

    Website is nice but I think the "Ron's Upholstery" is the weakest logo and you have it on the front page. I seriously thought that this was the before logo and not the after one. Ugly font.
  11. Did I get up on the wrong side of the bed?

    Any good hosting company will offer you plenty of email space on their server. What is commented before is true. 10mb is often a limit on attachments but not total email server space. You don't have to use gmail or hotmail to get lotsa space. 3mb as an attachment is not that big anymore. it...
  12. Wife up bout site

    Your website would have been cool in 1993 maybe. As a customer looking at that I would not buy signs from you. Poor design, fonts are too large. The spinning logo is cheesy Take a look at a website like this. http://www.coolhomepages.com/ It has categories for many types. Start browsing...
  13. There. are. no. words.

    I'm saying if you want to bitch, bitch at Cricut. Not some guy peddling his wares at a craft show Every product at Home Depot and Lowe's can potentially put every handyman, painter, drywaller, electrician, etc out of business. The cricut people are not the ones putting you out of business.
  14. There. are. no. words.

    That is my point, he's not at a sign convention. Looks like a scrapbooking or craft show This is like saying that you are threatened by people at flea markets. They are not making site signs, vehicle wraps, etc. They are usually selling copyrighted logos and "stickers". I doubt there is a sign...
  15. SuperBowl Commercials

    the always sexist godaddy commercials are off-putting. Having a young daughter makes me feel uncomfortable when she sees this. The more they show this stuff, the more it becomes commonplace and acceptable. Society is going downhill
  16. There. are. no. words.

    Why is everyone so bent out of shape over this guy? He is not selling these to sign shops. You guys sound like teenagers, grow up. This is for scrapbooking people who want custom designs. Maybe mock him if he was displaying his wares at a sign convention. Do you really want these people in...
  17. Gimme that thang!!!!!! apple keynote in progress!!!

    Not until they come up with a much sturdier version. Have you seen how thin this thing is? No way it holds up to the use of a typical kid or lazy college student. Especially if they didn't buy it themselves
  18. Copyright Infringement??

    wonder if this guy has the right to sell them? http://www.zazzle.co.uk/vegetariansareevil
  19. Call of Duty Wall Wrap

    The reason for the hostility is probably related to the recent thread regarding intellectual property. Many people here and outside of signs101 don't fully understand the possible ramifications of printing copyright material. Whether he did it for free or not, it is still illegal. Maybe this...
  20. Banners 101

    I'm on board with many here in that it boggles the mind how you can be the "manager" of anything. Maybe it is the title that confuses us. From your original post it sounds like the company you work for found out how "easy" it is to make money producing signs and banners. So they went and hired...