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Search results

  1. Need advice on a logo

    Ugh. The first sign uses 4 different and inappropriate fonts. You've broken several rules already. The new ELS has no imagination whatsoever. Pick up a book on design and or logos My kid can come up with better.
  2. Banners 101

    smells like flame bait
  3. Illustrator CS (11) Font Issues

    Some possibilities... You have too many fonts installed. You have multiple versions of the same font (otf, ttf and/or ps). Maybe they are affecting one another The font at the bottom of the list... I see that when I download free fonts. Some are not made well and maybe there is some internal...
  4. I don't TWEET, therefor I have a life.

    What are you 12? Get with it
  5. hard drive clicking?

    If you repalce consider RAID. Depending on how you set it up, if one fails you can pull it out and replace and not miss a beat and not lose any data
  6. Looking for this Vet symbol

    You spent hours looking for it? That should take no more than 15 minutes to redraw. You are losing money wasting your time
  7. Can't figure this one out...

    News Gothic is similar too, except for the numbers
  8. Is this legit?

    Paying for a logo disk is useless unless you are going somewhere with no internet access
  9. Font Help

  10. Is there a way convert images to vector images?

    Never ceases to amaze me. I can understand this question coming from Joe customer, but how can you be in the sign business and not how to do something so simple. There should be a test to let people in
  11. ID a font please

    Thank you Fred
  12. Dirtbike/Motocross Templates

    This is one of the reasons Fred must make em pay. Too many taking advantage of free advertising.
  13. ID a font please

    Cannot seem to find this one
  14. Riviera

    probably custom
  15. A question from Activity to Cyrious

    Lighten up darlak. I agree that it is wrong. Sleazy in fact. Reminds me of the porn sites that rely on typing in common names to bring in unsuspecting customers. A few years ago I did not know that someone could take away your website if you let it expire. Keep in mind some legitimate...
  16. dodge

    most car co's use custom designs, not fonts
  17. Font ID Please

  18. Hummer Wrap

    I tend to look at details. The first thing I noticed was the lettering that was cut off by features on the Hummer. The gas cap for instance knocks out the word CAR. This should not have been allowed to occur. Bottom tagline does the same thing. There was room to avoid having it cut off Also...
  19. Font help - signmaker styles

    OK, thanks I see Jiggy Roman is the serifed font, but what about the others? I could not find others that matched.