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Is there a way convert images to vector images?


New Member
My customer wants a certain image that they are using on everything for their business. They originally found this image doing a google search. Now, they want us to use this image for their pylon faces. Is there a way to change this image to a vector image, so that I can cut it?? Or anyway at all to convert this to make it cutable??

Thanks for the help!!



Certified Enneadecagon Designer
The question is should they be using it? When did Google images become a clip art warehouse...


Active Member
First, before they get too invested in this "image" , is it theirs to use?
Am image got from a google search is more than likely someone elses property.
Second whether it can be turned into a vector is entirely depenendent on what it looks like. You're best option there is to us the "Vector Doctor" who is a merchant member here. He will convert if it can be done.


New Member
I get this in the shop all the time. As a matter of fact I have one right now that the customer paid Kinkos to make their logo. I'm sure it is clip art from some where. He told me to get the art work from their web site. I told them to have Kinkos send me the vector. They just don't understand.

Any way to answer your question. Yes someone in this forum could make a vector. Post a pic so we can see what it looks like.


It's better to have two hands than one glove.
My customer wants a certain image that they are using on everything for their business. They originally found this image doing a google search. Now, they want us to use this image for their pylon faces. Is there a way to change this image to a vector image, so that I can cut it?? Or anyway at all to convert this to make it cutable??

Thanks for the help!!


Rantings of the copyright police notwithstanding, the notion of 'converting' a bitmap to a vector image is a bit of a fantasy. One does not convert a bitmap to a vector, one must redraw it. The information simply does not exist in a bitmap, even a bitmap that was made from a vector image, to recreate the vector image by algorithm. It's a judgment job.

There is software that attempts to follow what it perceives as edges but that's not a 'conversion', it's a tracing. Some of it can do a reasonably decent job, but it's still a best guess. More often than not you still have to tweak and diddle the results to get it to some acceptable level.

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
The correct and best way for your client to proceed, if the client has any desire for this image to be identified with his business and only his business, would be to either locate the creator of the image and see if exclusive rights can be acquired or to hire an artist to create something similar but original and then sell your client all rights to it.

Snagging images off the internet is almost always a copyright infringement. Using clipart under license is a step up but does not include any rights to claim ownership of the intellectual property.

Having covered that, converting any image to a vector is not a need that lends itself to a single one size fits all solution. It depends on the nature of the art and the desired look of the vector. If you are in need of developing the skills to do this, there are lots of tutorials showing as many different approaches. If you need the work done and don't have time to learn to do it first, hiring the Vector Doctor is your shortest path to an immediate solution.


New Member
Many ways of doing this:

1. The Vector Doctor - A member here who does great vector conversion.

2. Use a tracing program - Included with Illustrator, Flexi, Corel, Even online at Vector Magic. These options however will not do it all. Depending on what your original image is and looks like you may have alot of cleanup in the vector image to do.

3. Draw it by hand - Using the tools in your software recreate the image by drawing your vector image on top of the original you have. This is normally much better than tracing but does take experience in the software you're using.


New Member
Here is the image they want to use...

I am not a fan of this image, but if the customer wants it.... :)

Thanks for your help!


  • blackdress2.jpg
    23.1 KB · Views: 179


New Member
30 seconds in corel trace. PM me your email addy and I'll send it to you. That is, if you can read a corel .cmx file


New Member
Never ceases to amaze me. I can understand this question coming from Joe customer, but how can you be in the sign business and not how to do something so simple. There should be a test to let people in