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Search results

  1. New Texas Covid variant doesn't sound good...

    Open 100% and no masks starting in a week - hope it goes well
  2. I need profile / palette for Gerber Heat transfer PLUS?

    https://www.hyatts.com/pdf/SIGNGerberHeatTransfer6901.pdf Says use gerber edge 1 profile for best results
  3. I need profile / palette for Gerber Heat transfer PLUS?

    Update your material & fire info - gerber site has the latest material list - download and follow instructions
  4. Gerber Price increase

  5. Font humor

  6. What is wrong with S101 today?

    Slow yes - also getting a lot of old old posts - select recent new posts and get posts from early 2000 with no recent comments- things will work out eventually once the upgrades are done . Happens all the time with server and software upgrades , takes a bit to work out all the bugs , even...
  7. Gerber edge

    gerber printable heat press material, CMYK 300x600 dpi , gildon black face masks - 2 inch prints applied to the side of mask - 35 +- logos per foot of material. so cost = 3 or 4 masks the rest is profit . 2- ply Blank black masks are about 80 cents each printable heatpress material is about...
  8. Gerber edge

    I have a FX and use it daily - decals , small type lettering decals , keyboard overlays , window parking decals , small batch items ( short run) - been doing a lot of full color prints on heat-press material for masks and hats lately You could sell it for parts or to someone as a backup -...
  9. Gerber omega 7.0

    No same system - trying to delete unused fonts is a pain having to look by # . Maybe if enough people suggest a change it will happen in a future update-
  10. Gerber omega 7.0

    Hyatt’s promo through gerber - delivered in 2 days
  11. Gerber omega 7.0

    I spent the $345. And upgraded from 6.5 to 7 and must say I like some of the new features Hot folder - save templates- user selected vinyl, spot and process foils in vinyl select area for easy access - improved back cut and a few more Easy upgrade using usb - no issues and everything...
  12. Force Majeure: Yet another Corrugated Plastic Increase (Coroplast)

    Last year it was neon work shirts now it’s black hoodies and shirts - short supply and when they are available they come from 3 different warehouses and different dye lots - same problem here in PA - also shipping takes forever- use to be next day now it’s 3-7 days - just when I thought the gas...
  13. envision plotter just won't cut properly anymore :(

    Only other thing to check is the carriage track and carriage bearings - is the track clean and / or lubed and are the bearings still in good shape - new blade and cutting strip leads me to believe blade holder or carriage issues
  14. envision plotter just won't cut properly anymore :(

    What’s the cutting strip look - like might need replacing . If using omega there are some test plot designs you could try- you could also call plotter dr for advice or ship it out to California for rehab
  15. Stop signs with louvers

    Agree nuisance on lights and with low temp LED’s they fill with snow and don’t melt - electric they save they loose adding heaters - a waste all around
  16. Stop signs with louvers

    I’d make it a kit - pre punched sign and louvres - let them assemble and install- wouldn’t want the liability on something like that and I don’t think my insurance would either - at least here in PA
  17. Need Help Gerber Edge FX issues with printing

    Sounds like a sensor - are you using gerber foils or aftermarket? Have you ever lubed the worm gear ? Head failure would leave pixel blank strips or blank sections . Gerber has lubriplate grease ( or Amazon) and instructions are on the gerber website- I’ve had issues with conversion kits from...
  18. Gerber Envision Plotter Blades...who sells them?

    Do these work ?
  19. Gerber Envision Plotter Blades...who sells them?

    6- 30 degree 6- 45 degree 1- 60 degree 10 - never used $125.00 delivered USA Fit Gerber HS&GS plotters Attached Files: a" style="margin: 0px; padding: 10px 10px 0px; overflow: hidden; zoom: 1; background-image: none; background-color: rgb(240, 241, 241); border-top-left-radius: 5px...