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Search results

  1. Edge II Test Print

    Hi Folks, Was wondering if anyone could tell me if this is correct or incorrect. I have purchsed a used Edge Ii and have ran a test print. I ran a solid test and am seeing white dots scattered randomly. Do I need to clean the head? Thanks Mike B Big River SIgn Co,.
  2. Supplies Question

    Got a used Envisions 375 and Edge II. Need to relplace the 45 degree blade in the plotter and order a roll of Oracal printable for the Edge. What blade do I order and what is everyone printing on for general printing. I use 3651G for my SP540V and would like to stick with Oracal. Thanks Folks...
  3. Edge II Cleaning

    Hi Folks, Just got a used Edge II and was wondering what cleaning it entails. It has 8900 minutes on it. I had read somewhere that there are cleaning pads? Is that correct and if so where do I get them? Thanks everyone Mike B Big River Sign Co.
  4. Font Help Please

    I know that this is italisized and arched. Cannot identify. Been through my list and I can't find a match. Thanks Mike B Big River Sign Co.
  5. Got A New Toy

    My used Edge II and Envisoins 375 showed up last week. I just realized I have no place to put it. Back to the bench drawing board. Anyway, I was wondering if any one knew of were I can get Edgge II ICC profiles. I will be initially running it out of Flexi Pro 8 until I get Omega 2.0 up and...
  6. Arching Text

    Hi Everyone, I am trying to arc a unit number to follow the hood line of a Peterbuilt that I am lettering. I cannot find the right distort tool to accomplish what i am looking for. The Fit tool just doesn't seem "neat" enough. Running 8.1. Any ideas or tips? Thanks Mike B
  7. A Little Font Help?

    I can't for the life of me ID this one. I took a really crappy pic too. Any one got any ideas Thanks Much Mike B Big River Sign Co.
  8. Motor Feed Error

    Hi Everyone, Running a SP540 and when ever have new heavy roll on the machine I often get a motor feed error as it pull the material from the roll. I do not use the media rollers that came with the printer. Will that correct the problem or do I need to manually feed out the roll? Thanks Mike B...
  9. Profile Help

    Hi Folks, I am needing to print some banners in a billboard format. I am looking a for a profile setting or help on priting the banners using the least amount of ink possible. The resolution doesn't need to be great. I use Flexi Pro version 8.1 and print on an SP540V. Any ideas or...
  10. Estimate Problem

    Hi, When I price a 30"x40" area under vinyl and painted signs using customer vehicle as the substrate I come up with a price of $44 for a single sign, or in this case a single truck door. When I use the RTA plugin and price a single color 30"x40" graphic I come up with a price of $45. What...
  11. What the Font

    Can't tell. Hand lettered style or Font. Help!!! Thanks Everyone Mike B Big River SIgn Co.
  12. Need Font ID

    Hey Folks, Does anyone know what the "8" for Dale Jr. is in. I gotta car to do and he wants the Dale Jr. 8. Thanks Much, hope everyone is doing well. Mike B Big River Sign Co.
  13. Quick ID Anyone

    Hi Folks, Ruch order for a trade show thisweekend. Client needs this on a dish by 2 pm today. I can't ID the font. Any help would be gretaly appreciated. Thanks Mike B Big River SIgn Co.
  14. Gradient Help!

    Hi Folks, Why does my black to white gradient look green. I wouls assume that it would go from black, to dark grey, to grey, to light grey, to white. But it looks like it has a green tinge to it. Very frustrating as I am blowing through an entire roll of material for a gradient effect...
  15. Printing Single Tile

    Hi Folks, Was wondering if anyone knows of a way to print a single tile of a long run. I need the first 12 or so feet as I ran out of lamination and ruined half of my print. Also, how do you get Flexi 8 to auto cut each tile instead of printing them end to end. It knows the substrate size so...
  16. Word Docs

    Hey Folks, It seems as though almost every client is sending their artwork in MS word format. I have MS Word on all my PC's but cannot get the docs into a format that Flexi 8 can read. I believe that I need to convert them to a .wmf file but cannot find that option in MS Word. Any ideas...
  17. Playing Cards

    Hi Everyone, Does anyone know where I can get some playing card vector or clip art files. I am putting together some fleet graphics for a trucking co. and need a deck of 52 to lay out in a pattern. Looking to individualize fleet of trucks by having a different hand on each truck. Thanks folks...
  18. Top 5

    Just curious folks, What are your top 5 most used fonts. Thanks Mike B Big River Sign Co.
  19. Blade Vibration

    Can anyone help me out here. The blade on my CX-24 vibrates as it travels left and right over the material. I am cutting FDC 2100 cast and not only can I see the end result but I can hear the cutting head vibrate as it travles left and right. I have cleaned the machine thouroghly. I am using...
  20. Weird Stuff

    Hey Folks, This is cast FDC white cut on Roland CX-24. I did a quick edit of the photo so you could see the edge. Check the "k" out and see if you can tell what might be going on cuz I have no idea. New blade, messed with speed and offset. These are 2" letters. Could my protective strip be...