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Search results

  1. Font help Please.

    As Always, thanks.
  2. Font help Please.

    shauns.. THANKS!
  3. Font help Please.

  4. Interesting Study Showing Avery outperforms the rest..

    Some of you hate avery, for their past transgressions, and for good reason. It seems they have stepped their game up. http://bigpicture.net/content/avery-dennison-outperforms-competition-vehicle-wrap-benchmark-study I love me some Oracal, but Avery does have them beat on install speed, and...
  5. Need Wrap installers: New Mexico, Texas, Wyoming, Oklahoma

    Need installers in Albuquerque, NM, Hobbs, NM, Farmington, NM and EL Paso, Texas, & Oklahoma. It will be 5-15 vehicles per location. email me or PM me here for more details. adam(at)coloradosigns.com thanks
  6. I love 3M.

    Quoting a massive fleet job. To get special pricing from 3M for 70 rolls of vinyl and lam to start this job, they refuse to help me unless i give them the name of my client and project description...
  7. Font help.

    Anyone know the font for "Majalca" Thanks in advanced.
  8. 2 HP 9000's and 1 Air Filtration for sale

    I have 2 hp 9000's 64" 1 kinda of works.. the other doesn't work at all. they Both turn on, and can be working no issue with very little labor. We just bought a couple of new machines, and don't have the room for them. 3k for both. The heads alone are worth 2k each.. so im pretty much giving...
  9. For those who need a printer..

    For those needing a new printer. Mimaki are having a KILLER. SALE. Mimaki JV33 54 inch are going for 9k. 64 inch 11k. Call Grimco. Great machines great pricing. Not for long though
  10. check out sign builder illustrated this month!

    In reference to the video i posted about the RV wrap for mountain Dew. http://www.signs101.com/forums/showthread.php?t=103855 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1FjwEtXHpM Here is also a write up in Aprils issue of SBI about it. Magazine Page 8, Web page 10...
  11. Thanks to AZ PRO

    We've been doing a lot of business with Chris at AZ sign pro.. Great company and group of people to work with. Literally can overnight anything to me that i want.. Always on time.. Always great quality. They print for me like they would for their customers.. no banding.. just over all great...
  12. Hey 3M.

    I heard you're increasing your prices by 10% April 1st. Good luck with that. You guys are the Best! Yours Truly -Adam
  13. American Airlines new Branding

    I Love their new look, I think it's extremely clever.
  14. Has Google Adwords Worked for you?

    We've always been organically popular on search engines because of our name, but we to start targeting more specific to us jobs, and hopefully increase business along the way. We're about to go knee deep into google ADwords. Has anyone had success with it? We're going to be budgeting...
  15. A Video of us Wrapping an RV!

    We threw this video together real quick this morning. It's of an RV we wrapped in Dec for Mountain Dew. Kind of showing all the steps.. print, lam, trim, install. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1FjwEtXHpM enjoy!
  16. Looking For Wrap installer ND

    Have 10 vehicles to get done in Williston ND. Please PM me for details if you are near by and would like to quote the job.
  17. Awesome!

    So...the hacker anonymous is at it again. This time, they did something pretty awesome http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2012/12/17/anonymous_hacks_westboro_baptist_church_over_sandy_hook_picket_is_there.html
  18. 3M / Original Wraps update.

    First I'd like to say thank-you to everyone for being supportive over the matter. As most of you know i started a thread back in Sept about how 3M was dipping into our market. (See the thread here.) I think it's only fair to give everyone who gave their time and support an update on what is...
  19. osha approved ?

    This is what you do to reach a hood wrap over a cab. Don't try this at home.
  20. Need another HP l25500

    Looking to buy another 60" HP first generation latex. Paying cash.