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Search results

  1. Need a MM or Vendor to do these....

    need between 400-500 of these double sided, bound at the bottom with elastic to slip over the headrest of coach bus seats. thanks!
  2. Gerber Edge Price

    Fred, i had a gerber guy stop by and try to sell me the new edge. 18,000 is that how high they've always been. How does one justify that over a 16k 60" digital printer?
  3. Can someone Please tell me......

    Why the Bad Wrap is being sold again, but now it's 2,000. Why. The. Heck. Would anyone pay that for it. Sergio, i hope you're including several ounces of gold in that package.
  4. Font Help!

    Thanks for looking. I know it's partially custom.. but i think it's based off a font.
  5. Peyton manning to denver

    SDAFHASDJFHASJKDFHASDJFASHDKLJSDFKLASHLKDJFHASJKDFHASLDJALF been refreshing nfl.com for a week. About freaking time. Bye bye Tebow!
  6. Hey Gino...

    I found your latest creation. I bet it's nice for squirrels
  7. Baby Yoga.............wow

  8. is this REAL?

    Seriously...? http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=DStwXsmZ3OE
  9. Let's Discuss Pickles...

    Is it me or...does pickles taste like straight feet? They Ruined my french fries today.....the juice from the pickles that were on the side permeated them. awful
  10. The Billboard is up!

    It's up! I know it's not the perfect design. I will be switching it up in the next month, and put a little more time into it. thanks for everyone who gave their input on it. It's live, and let's see it throw us some more revenue!
  11. top 15 worst logo failures

    This is fun - oh yeah, parental advisory on some of these :) http://www.boredpanda.com/worst-logo-fails-ever/
  12. Need Billboard design feed back ASAP!!

    Got a billboard going up this week. it's 50x15' on a nice busy highway. It's actually sitting right in front of a red light as well... perfect location only about 3 minutes from us... anyways beat me the heck up with this design. It needs to be GREAT. The Stand out Increase sales, is a...
  13. Anyone Know these fonts?

    Thanks ahead of time.
  14. Supplier for these?

    Does any MM here, do the attached pic type of things? if not.. any one have experience with any company who does? thanks
  15. Deal of the Day.

    http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Sharp+-+42%26%2334%3B+Class+/+LCD+/+1080p+/+60Hz+/+HDTV/3142087.p?id=1218379763676&skuId=3142087&st=3142087&cp=1&lp=1 Great Tv.. GREAT price.
  16. Nice Deal on some Monitors.

    Found this today --> http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/productdetail.aspx?c=us&l=en&s=dhs&cs=19&sku=2XU2212&dgc=CJ&cid=47997&lid=2029985&acd=10995985-227502-F01204A00Y0N4A99283383A0A01A0A381N29 Down a couple hundred from it's original cost.
  17. Does Caldera Have a cut limit?

    We're trying to cut some 180 that's a print/cut file produced out of caldera. It gets to a certain crop mark, and then.. just stops reading for cutting...Does Caldera have a Limit to how big of a document it can cut? and yes it's loaded straight.. it doesn't move at all.
  18. When printing on Art Canvas....

    I'm starting to get tons of requests to do canvas prints on fine art canvas.. I'm printing on the latex... does anyone put a spray lam, or brush some clearsheild on it? or do you let it go out without the lam? do you put a heavier pass on it when printing? thanks
  19. 3m purchases Avery dennison..

    Great..Averys dennison division includes their vinyl products. http://www.sbnonline.com/2012/01/3m-to-buy-avery-dennisons-office-products-business/?full=1
  20. A Must Watch.

    What motivates us.... check out this RSA animate on Drive. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=u6XAPnuFjJc#!