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Search results

  1. You were right Fred

    Homeland is such an awesome show! Started watching it wednesday.. almost done the 1st season! It's getting good!!
  2. The dumbest thing i've ever heard...

    We bid on a job a few weeks back. Like a nice Juicy one..for a federal project. It seems like they were getting to the point to give us the job.. then before approval they ask.... Are you a women owned business... i said.. no.. why? Oh.. sorry we cannot allow you to win this bid. I asked...
  3. Sign Vox - Amazing Product.

    Yesterday at 2pm i switched to sign Vox. Today i'm writing invoices with it. I was using activity software. After putting up with terrible support, and a horribly written program for the past year, we decided to switch. The level this program is at surpasses any I've ever used. Kevin...
  4. For Those who are interested....

    Here are the upgrades for the l26500. Media edge guard holders Beefier take up reel Double sided banner capabilities Ink has a glossier finish it's not faster...at all
  5. Need toy Box trucks or Semis

    I need like 50-100 toy box trucks or semis that have blank boxes so i can wrap over them. Ive got them before.. but for the life of me can't remember where i got them from. thanks!!
  6. Black HDPE

    Has anyone seen HDPE banner with a black back, and face? I have a customer who dropped off a 8x2, they need about 30 of them, but want them all black with High performance white vinyl numbers on them.. i rather print.. but it's their specs.
  7. This is what happens when you don't wrap with cast vinyl.

    We bid on this job a while back, didn't get it. So they come back with this. It was all Permanent calendared vinyl, cracked, burned, looking like AIDs. Now we got to redo the whole thing. After paying for the full wrap - ~2400 they couldn't afford the full wrap again, so we had to do a...
  8. FOR SALE 2 HP 9000's

    Got 2 hp 9000's for sale. One in excellent shape, the other.. not to excellent. Making room for a flatbed. These things are priced to sell. Get them while they're HOT! http://www.signs101.com/pp-classifieds/showproduct.php?product=926
  9. Font Help.

    Thanks everyone.
  10. Making Flat Signage Interesting.

    The economy has really turned people away from dimensional signage. So we have become creative to make their flat boring signage more interesting. Check out our most recent one. we'll add more detail on our Facebook page on how it's done. check it - facebook.com/cosigns
  11. How about that TIM TEBOW?

    Is it me, or does NFL seem scripted at times? I'm baffled as to how the broncos win games throwing 2 passes. Oh well as long as my ponies do good.
  12. Oracle 3751RA Benifits.

    Had a Oracle rep send this over to me. Has information on what you need to know about their newly released wrap vinyl. The price point is very similar to 3m, a little more inexpensive. attached are the PDF specs on it
  13. HP FB700 Purchase

    Hey all, Looks like our next buy is HP's FB700. Any Cons about the machine that i should be weary about? I know it's a solid machine with good versatility.. thanks again.
  14. Tryna' wrap your wheels?

    Check this out..
  15. The latex. Wanna know what it's about?

    This has been a Hot Subject. I'm going to put everyone's questions to rest in this one simple thread. I spent 8 months doing research, let me save you a year, and let you know i wouldn't buy crap for myself. Only the best here. Yes the latex is the best 60" on the market. 1. YES. It is...
  16. Now Hiring.

    We're looking 1 more full time installer, and 1 full time Designer. In the new year we will be looking for a new production manager as well. Current one will train on all aspects of job. send all resumes to adam(at)coloradosigns.com thanks, Adam
  17. Hellllllllllllllllllllllllo Winter!

    We got 10 inches of snow this morning. It's a beautiful sight!! It's suppose to snow for 16 hrs straight! Nothing like wrapping box trucks with the garage door open watching the snow fall!
  18. Steamer for removal?

    Has anyone ever used a wallpaper steamer to use to remove vinyl. i have 7 box trucks to remove all the 9 year old AIDs vinyl, and redo a full wrap on them... and at this point it's going to take us longer to remove then to apply.
  19. A little Culture

    I was raised in the island of Bermuda.. Beautiful place. This summer a few guys from gopro made a cliff diving video check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=EGuBmyiq70g
  20. Need installer in Dallas FRIDAY.

    I had someone lined up to do this install, but they couldn't get it done this week. Is there anyone here who has a shop in Dallas, or know of one.. that can do an install of (4) 4x8's on dry wall. They will all have stand offs.