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Search results

  1. Need reliable installers - Dallas, Texas

    Looking for a installer to install (4) 4x8 brushed die bond. Indoor. Ground level installs. Attached is an example of the signs that will need to be installed. All installs will be in the same building for the same company. the install needs to be with standoffs, 8 in total for each...
  2. NEW Deal of the Day. Like free Music?

    Like free music? Here they present it. http://deals.woot.com/deals/details/f35b6345-69c6-4da6-a6c7-db678035aa44/3-100-mp3s-for-free-at-amazon-mp3-store#5 Direct link to free music...
  3. Deal of the day

    Pretty good deal on a 27" Monitor here for those looking to upgrade their monitors. Birthday is in 10 days thought i'd get myself one! It's a great buy.
  4. Gotta love Some customers.

    By yesterday, the 2nd day of the week, we already had some "special" clients. first one. Customer: "I'm moving to Denver, I'm a lawyer, and in Florida, I've been paying 1 dollar for 18x28 Gold coro, with simple black text on it. Can you guys match that, I rather not pay shipping" Me: "No"...

    Best buy is having a stupid good sale. just picked me up 2! http://www.bestbuy.com/site/HTC+-+Flyer+Tablet+with+16GB+Internal+Memory+-+White/2390524.p?id=1218332598563&skuId=2390524&st=htc%20flyer&cp=1&lp=1 this is a great tablet
  6. Another ID

    I need the font for "Since 1985" Thanks again!
  7. Font ID

  8. Angies List vectors?

    Can't find them anywhere. Anyone know where i can find them?
  9. Best way to do this..?

    We have a few ambulances coming. They have provided their own reflective material. (reflexite). We have to plot it out, and install it on their ambulance. We have a couple ambulances in next week to do. Question, we havn't done the back of an ambulance like this before. It's going to be...
  10. Trying to market Wraps?

    Someone forwarded me this a while back on how to market a wrap. It's some good stuff. Read below. Vehicle Wraps and graphics are up to 50 times cheaper for the same amount of impressions! A study by 3M concluded that it costs just 48 cents to get 1,000 impressions with vehicle wraps and...
  11. Caldera RIP

    I've seen quite a few people talking about RIPs and which works the best. I've used Onyx, Flexi, and a bit of Wasach... But for anyone who has been thinking about giving Caldera a try - it's an awesome program. Their RIP is literally drag and Drop. Works Beautifully with the latex. Every...
  12. woot.com's Nifty deal today.

    Woot has a pretty nice tool on sale today. It's a pretty sweet deal, and it' something I could use every day. HERE is a video of what it can do. They typically go for around 100.
  13. Will my banners fail?

    I'm installing a bunch of double sided mesh banners. They will be mounted to a brick facade like the attached picture. Sizes 10'x3' with 2 flat wall mounts with arms to hold the the tops and bottoms. Ive done plenty of double sided mesh banners, with the pole kits, but nothing this...
  14. Need Logo Inspiration?

    Found this site. Has some really clean, and top notch logos. http://vector.tutsplus.com/articles/web-roundups/30-brilliant-vector-logo-designs-deconstructed/
  15. Golf Cart Wrap *caution very bright*

    Guy got this done for his 8 yr old daughter.
  16. Hp 9000 Banding issues.. bad

    I'm having some major issues. Getting white banding in the middle of prints.. starts off OK.. not even good..then in the middle.. bam.. white banding.. also attached is a picture of my ink lines..... should they have that much air in them....... i already did an ink fill.. and a charge... thanks...
  17. Golf Cart Wrap?

    We gotta job to wrap a few golf carts, This is one thing we havn't done. Can anyone shed some light on what to expect? thanks,
  18. Impala Wrap in Detail.

    We don't really post our wraps anymore, Just the fun ones. I'd thought i'd share in detail how we do our wraps. The 20 minutes it takes us to take off the lights mirrors makes the wrap go a cpl hrs faster. Also special thanks to Sam (TintTech) who's a member on here - he helped us out on this...
  19. Changes to your design?

  20. Need a Supplier for Reflexite

    Need a Supplier for Reflexite Thanks!