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Search results

  1. Looking for an Engine Clipart Cut ready??

    I have a guy that has a performance shop I have a couple of engine eps file but he doesnt like any of them can someone point me into the right direction and find one cool that can be cut ready or if anyone has one I can use thanks in advance :thankyou::signs101::U Rock:
  2. Brands of The World no Logos????

    always has to be a smartass in the bunch Just asked a simple question But Thank You guys I did not know about the pdf thats pretty cool tho
  3. Brands of The World no Logos????

    Google dont find diddly squat for vector or eps everything is a collection or $$
  4. Brands of The World no Logos????

    Why doesnt Brands of the world have these logos? They were there last week I just wasnt at my computer to download them now they dont have them. They are major lawnmower brands Anybody know why? or where I can get them? Or Trace them? My corel is down :thankyou::signs101:
  5. Corel x3 Problem

    I am not new to this I work in flexi tho Just got x3 if I type a Text and then want to arch the text or distort it in any other ways it does not highlite I dont know if I am saying it right? anyways How do you do a screen shot and post it on here???
  6. Corel x3 Problem

    Hello I just finished installing my new x3 works great but one thing I did notice I cant use the distort or any of those functions they are there but I cant highlite them is it something I have to download or am I just doing it wrong right now just want to arch a text and mybe drop...
  7. Desay Master XY 340 - HELP

    sounds like the usb isnt in the right port!
  8. Star?

    Thank you I found it in my dingbats forget all the time about those
  9. Star?

    does anyone have this star or something like it or pass me on to a place where I can buy it thanks Mom really loves this star I was thing about putting it on here car tomorrow Thanks
  10. Tattoo gun????

    cool cool I Thank You
  11. Tattoo gun????

    Hey everyone I just did up this tattoo shops front windows new in town came out pretty nice. I need a tattoo gun eps file If someone can point me in the right direction that would be so helpful :signs101::U Rock: Also Stars looking for a great looking one?
  12. Stick Figure Clipart?

    There is a guy that sells them on Ebay 30 bucks I belive he has a great collection ASTOURS pm me I am interested!!!!
  13. Tattoo Gun??

    Hey everyone I just did up this tattoo shops front windows new in town came out pretty nice. Has anybody seen a tattoo gun eps file this gun gave me a pic but looks very very cheezy If someone can point me in the right direction that would be so helpful :thankyou::signs101::U Rock:
  14. Vinyl Cutter

    wanna sell it qe60
  15. Need HELP cutting in half?

    ok cool thanks guy for the fastest replys ever :)
  16. Need HELP cutting in half?

    I have a friend that wants me to do a big skull on his hood around 28x37 NOW I have a 24" plotter but 15" material, How do I cut the graphic in half in Flexi so I can install the top of skull and then the bottom of skull??? Any Help Thanks in advance
  17. Newbie needs help with truck lettering...

  18. How to "fill" outline of text

    well hes a begineer i did the same thing a few years ago on the same question Geary is the one that i worked off from
  19. first time vinyl wet application problem

    you got cheap vinyl off ebay for starters but when I do wet apps. I squeegie ALL the fluid out and then Wait 20-30 min for it to dry peel a lil spot to see if it stuck then wet the whole tape to make it soft then you can peel it off I always use Rapid Tac its worth it if you use soap and...
  20. Vehicle Wraps

    Add " Wraps " to the forums :cool1: :signs101: :thankyou: