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Search results

  1. that's crazy!

    nodepositwebsites.com 26 views youtube... i dare someone to leave the first comment :banghead:
  2. Benefit Banners and signage

    you know the type. Benefit for so so... I hate cancer, lost my grandmother to it, and would like to help when needed, but i don't want to do things for free every time someone has these events. I'm not trying to be or sound rude about it, but i feel like when i'm contacted, they expect a...
  3. kerning goddesses and gods

    Which of these two layouts is the correct way to do the kerning between "UP" in supervisor on this font??? :thankyou: so much!
  4. tablets... what are you using if you have one?

    I don't know anything about them... but I'm looking to purchase one here soon. I think it may help me organize myself more cause I'm falling apart with with everything I'm trying to do and trying to remember to do. So what is everyone using and does it work for you? This is what i'd like to...
  5. dealing with customers....

    How do you respond when a customer ask you..... "What is your last name?" Also, do your print your entire name on your business cards? Just wondering what people do now-a days with all the crime and identity issues.
  6. youtube

    this is the greatest thing i've ever seen! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpwVOGTSgow
  7. few questions on truck to trailer boat wraps

    Spring is on the way and summer is getting closer and we want to do something different to our boat then the factory graphics on it. How long does a boat wrap hold up and how far can the vinyl go into the water??? I want to make the design flow from the truck to the boat... How hard is this for...
  8. prismatic font tutorial-

    Anyone know where the tutorial is that was to make your own fonts look prismatic? I know I seen it not to long ago and not sure where it is. My searches are pulling up from 2011. I'm not printing these either. Thanks if you know.
  9. Blaster Cabinet: does anyone use these?

    just wondering.... if you do, what have you made with it?
  10. forget white walls,

    now you can include you tires into your wraps or just "wrap your tires":cool1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBUvfhYbtgY Bridgestone picked it up in a recent email i received... so coming to a store near you soon! Figured I'd share http://www.bridgestone.com/corporate/news/2012011301.html
  11. where the heck did :gino: go?

    Not Gino, but :gino: the tiny one that took a few sips of :bushmill:, spun around and fell on his butt and saw stars..... and repeatedly did it over and over? What happened:help Maybe too much to drink and went to a different forum? Like a AA forum? Just wondering, went to use him and no longer...
  12. inhaling vinyl adhesive....

    I've been cutting and weeding 3M680CR all day. Now that i got my sense of smell back... this is starting to make me nauseous, the reflective that is. It's smells very strong. Anyone else ever experience something like this?
  13. what really is the difference between 3m680 and 3m5100 reflective?

    thread can be erased... really? what is the difference? the white is both rated for 7 years? :frustrated: almost sound the same from what i read and been on the phone with tech 4 times in the past week. Same person answers the phone every time so i...
  14. an adventure in time

    for those who enjoy old signs :smile: http://www.roadsidepeek.com/ http://www.roadsidepeek.com/rpeekeast/eatseast/sitdown/index.htm might find a few near you. I drive past the schusters one on the second link alot.... which now looks like this
  15. honestly. how do you price multiple cut letters and numbers

    I just cut 126 2" characters according to flexi (for DOT and truck numbers) in a 23"x27" sheet of oracal 751 silver metallic. How honestly do you come up with your pricing? a. by size of the sheet (say 4sq ft x $whatever = profit) or b. charge by the letter (say $0.60x126=$75.60) these are...
  16. anyone have these 2 fonts.....

    BigCaslon medium and Didot Bold -both in their font folder? I got a pdf and missing these fonts and need them... can you open it and save it to paths for me pretty please??
  17. it's the final countdown: Chantix and the New Year

    I've been holding onto this prescription now since i got it filled back in september waiting for "my quit date" (which first was my 9/2 birthday, then i wanted to take it over thanksgiving, then dec 1st, so i could possibly be smoke free for the new year, but that got bumped and I started 4 days...
  18. 4over rewards expiring soon

    Use them up by December 31st! They expire because they are switching to a 2.0 system and are not compatible with it (dunno why), but use them before you lose them :wink: Tis the season for a starbucks card for me and a few bucks off future orders, but i'm sure others here have more points to get...
  19. Knifeless tape and reflective

    Will it cut it or is it too thick and resistant? Anyone try it with success?
  20. Checkered flag type graphics

    I have a customer wanting them on a bed of a tow truck.. I went through my vector art 1 and 2 and also sign DNA collections.... any other place i can look also for some cool ones??