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Search results

  1. convert fonts from mac to pc?

    Is there a way? There are some fonts on my mac i'd like to transfer to my laptop. I only use the mac to cut vinyl really anymore. I use my pc alot for designing more then i do the mac and when i go to cut something, i normally save it as an ai. file from my laptop and transfer it over via floppy...
  2. Don't post what it was, just "i saw it"!

    I noticed it... do you? LOL. might be fun:smile:
  3. i know i should know this one.... font help

    i know i know it but it's just not registering.
  4. inventory time

    how do you guys/gals do your inventory this time of year? Anyone got any nice screenshot's to show for an example?? I'm just interested in how others do it.... Thanks
  5. Dan Antonelli for the win in a HVAC mobile marketing contest

    I guess our trade magazines are not the only ones running design contest anymore. Congrats on Dan's Allegiance H&C van design:thumb:. I remembered seeing it here. I thought maybe you (and members here) would like to see the article it if you haven't already...
  6. your holiday decorations

    Does anyone print their own lawn decorations or make anything shop related to decorate for the holidays? Anyone got any pictures to post? Might be a fun thread.....
  7. mounting plastic letters to glass block?

    How? This is going to be outside.... i'm not sure which way to go with this. Stud or adhesive? Both..... Anyone ever do this before?
  8. Flexi issues

    when i type, the kerning is always adjust to .16 in design central no matter how many times i restart it and now my space bar is going backward and it's just acting weird (even when it does space forward... it's not spacing right, it's too close to the next word). Any suggestions?
  9. looking into investing in a new plotter...

    My Ioline super 88 30" plotter's tracking has been off now for a while for large cuts. I was going to take the grit shaft out and clean under it, but after reading all the things that you had to do just to accomplish that, i got spooked and ended up only cleaning the normal. (removing bottom...
  10. campaign signs in small quantities

    Where would be the best place for a small 20 order of 18x24 election signs... anyone know? This is for the township i'm in.... not to big lol
  11. need opinions on layout

    Likes/dislikes? I'm still working on the hour portion of the sign, but so far, how does it look? Thanks:thankyou:
  12. dual monitos

    Who uses? And how do you use it? I just got a small acer at staples and trying to figure out how to use it. My problem was that customers would accidentally poke my laptop screen. I've had my LCD replaced not once, but i'm on the 4th one. So, since i figured my laptop was $2200, i'd invest into...
  13. good chrome vinyl for vehicles

    what is a good brand to go with? I had avery when i first started with signs in 2004. I seen that if faded white so that's out. I've been an oracal fan, but now signwarehouse is recommending scheiin. :help any opinions?
  14. Burning artwork cd for a customer

    I recently had the Vector Doctor vectorize a logo for me that my customer had paid some 20 years ago for a logo, but it was all hand drawn. He brought me in a shirt, i took some pictures and sent them over to Eric (which if you haven't used is AWESOME:thumb::thumb: btw) Anyhow, i x2.5 the cost...
  15. organization help

    I've been banging my head trying to organize my personal stuff, from my sign stuff, to my clipart, to our website, to business cards designs, to advertising ads, to aydens pictures (and not to mention all the bookmarked websites i have in firefox)... about every file you can think of. Is there a...
  16. I need some opinions

    I've been working on a logo, which had been a personal project since we opened and i've never had the ability to come up with anything. I get customers in here and want to put a shop decal on there vehicle and i have "nothing cool" SO, I'm posting here finally and asking for help with it. I...
  17. Pennsylvania State Seal

    looking for a vector file? as you can see, the one on the car is horrible looking... but only pic i have other then this on i found on google Any suggestions where to find??? Thanks
  18. How to print all open files?

    I'm often faced with printing a bunch of opened files (usually contact sheets) so I might have 15 to 20 sheets open at once. I want to print them all and so far I haven't found a way other than to do one at a time, manually. Is there a way to do this? Thanks :thumb:
  19. sponsor signs for little league

    I've been asked about doing sponsor signs for the little league. They are looking for 12 3x4 aluminum with various images of the sponsors info. Most based off business cards and the clients are only paying $125 for the sign for a year. So I'm thinking that these are going to be multiple colors...
  20. removing painted vehicle lettering

    Hi All, Is it possible to remove hand painted lettering from truck doors without harming the factory vehicle paint? I have a customer that just purchased a new flatbed truck and the doors were painted with the previous owners business name. Is there a away to going about this without having to...