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Search results

  1. Best Drawing Tablet iPad Air vs Surface Pro vs Wacom Intuos Pro SE?

    Been looking into getting a drawing tablet to help me for my graphic design and I am a little stuck on deciding on what tablet to get. Do any of you use tablets and if so what has helped you?
  2. printer business card/postcard cutter and screen print equipment.

    I'm looking for recommendations on printer I could use to print business cards, flyers, and postcards...and its something economical. I'm also looking for a business card cutter. does anyone's not Northern California have one for sale? or know of any good brands? im also looking for a one...
  3. Need recommendation for a good third party ink supply.

    Ever since I got my printer my blacks have been giving me problems. Mutoh keeps telling me it's my media and Signwarehouse keeps telling me the same. (Black prints and some red prints give me white spots and sometimes white dots like the ink never hit the media at all.) anyways I have been...
  4. shipping decals and stickers

    Started selling some decals online and im kind of stuck on how to package them for shipping. size of decal is 5" x 40". i dont want usps to fold my order in half. how would you guys ship this out?
  5. lime green CMYK value in flexisign?

    i try printing what appears to be lime green but it just comes out dark green. anyone know how i can get a lime green? im running a mutoh printer
  6. flexisign changes my gradient colors when saving work to jpeg.

    when i am in flexi my colors look good but whenever i try exporting to jpeg any gradient colors just because one solid color. is there a way to turn this off?
  7. tips on installing large print on a single sheet?

    last week i did a huge install on a wall and came out nice. i used the help i got from you guys (thank you) which made the install a bazillion times easier. i tried the same technique on his truck but that was a fail. how could i install this on single sheet? help please ps that pic is actually...
  8. Tips for applying huge printed vinyl?

    i have a long printed vinyl im going to go put in tomorrow. its about 3ft tall x 250in long. im not sure if i should put a line of tape down the middle like i would on cut vinyl or spray crazy amount of water with two drops of soap exactly and spray the whole wall down lol. anyways how would you...
  9. worse car wrapping rookie mistakes you've made?

    I just recently started wrapping and after my first job I can honestly say it was very stressful but I got it done haha. On that note what are some rookie mistakes you've done or seen others do?
  10. Mets are going to win.

    We all know The NY Mets are going to come back and win a 4 game in a row against the Royals for two reasons: One Royals beat LA (hate the dodgers) and Two they are NL is always the better league.
  11. whats the best brand of chrome vinyl wrap that you have used?

    i've heard that chrome paper is a bit more difficult to wrap and i was wondering what brand you guys favor to when it comes applying.
  12. has anyone tried making their own H frame sign stands?

    I thought id ask Before I head down to home depot tomorrow and wander around the store searching for parts. Online little stakes cost more to ship than the own stakes! If anyone has any tips let me know thanks.
  13. Updated Flexisign 12 and JPEG and PNG images are different colors.

    so i updated my flexisign and now everytime i drag an image into it the colors come out way darker making the image completely different. I drag that image to corelDraw and they appear perfect. anyone have a similar problem to and figure out a fix? please let me know thanks.
  14. font help please

    what font is ProMobile and also auto body and paint? Thank you.
  15. looking for illuminated sign installer in northern california.

    i have a lot of customers who want illumanted signs (the ones that you slide a plexiglass into). i dont know how to do all that wire, volt, and electricity stuff nor have a license to do that lol. if anyone wants to partner up i have like 3 people lined up that need a sign. message me for more...
  16. wondering if anyone has tried printed out menus for a restaurant?

    i guess this is a two part question..one is what material would i use and 2nd is how can i get my printer to print out double sided? any suggestions on either question? thanks.
  17. first time making menus for a restaurant..how much should i be charging?

    so i have a customer that wants menus (4 for each table) and i have no idea how much to charge.. how much do you guys recommend i charge? ps i usually charge $1000 for everything even for 500 business cards but no one ever buys so then i am forced to sell 2500 business cards for $150. anyways...
  18. how can i print from corel draw to mutoh printer?

    i have a file that looks legit in coreldraw that took me forever to come up with. i usually just export it as an eps file or ai if that doesnt work and then import it into flexisign and print from there. The problem is i cannot get it to import to flexisign. Is there a way i can print directly...
  19. illuminated sign covered with calendered vinyl?

    so i have a client that has a plastic board that has turned "yellow" due to long time in the sun.i was thinking about covering the whole thing with white calendared vinyl and place other vinyl on top of it. do you think this is a good idea? will light still be able to shine through it at night...