• I want to thank all the members that have upgraded your accounts. I truly appreciate your support of the site monetarily. Supporting the site keeps this site up and running as a lot of work daily goes on behind the scenes. Click to Support Signs101 ...

Search results

  1. print ready-to-wear clothing?

    http://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/electroloom-clothing-printer/ as it has been said many times before, life is turning digital
  2. perpendicular wall extrusion mounts

    who knows which supplier carries these type of frames? the intended sign is approx 18"w
  3. variable data cut vinyl decals?

    Looking for a vendor who is able to do variable data cut vinyl outdoor grade RTA decals. have a project that is 500 + decals black plotter vinyl, each decal will have different information on it. Size 2.5"h x 7"w Is there a vendor that can do this? Waiting to hear back from Gill Line...
  4. Font Deal

  5. Celtic Font? ID help

    Need some insight to the font classification Thank you
  6. Grimco Sale

    Got this in the inbox, passing it along for all http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?ca=fc813b61-ebb8-45d4-979d-44a21ff0162d&c=c38b0e80-cd8d-11e3-b006-d4ae52844372&ch=c43bc0e0-cd8d-11e3-b078-d4ae52844372
  7. O whats the font

    Having issues identifying the font, specifically the "O"
  8. A-Team #2

  9. SignVOX vs ShopVOX

    with the recent post about the new company and product, and not having any luck finding a side by side comparison. Figured someone here may know and can list/show them. as the title says SignVOX vs ShopVOX is what I am looking for. the other point is with the new company / product what has...
  10. Font ID from a book cover

    Latest request is to use the front on the attached book cover. Both the authors name and the book title Thanks for the assistance
  11. LED Strip Maker?

    Need some help identifying LED strips that are currently installed. These current strips have a frosted covering installed and are not bright enough to properly illuminate the panels. Having troubling finding a clear cover that will fit into this rail system. Can you splice into the wring...
  12. Avery Strike.....AGAIN

    Luckily this was not installed before the issue was noticed...... as it only took the vinyl 4 hrs to reach this state That is a handle to an Exacto knife for reference....... and yes there was a 1/8" no-bleed area Material is MPI 2120
  13. custom shaped metal blank?

    I know I have seen this shape before as a blank, but can't remember where. Any advice would be great.
  14. any afternoon delight for a font?

    would appreciate any input for a troublesome font. many :toasting:
  15. Hanns-G HL273HPB 27" 1080p LED-LCD Monitor with Built-in Speakers » only $179.99

    Sale ends today http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824254113&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=600263&SID=
  16. Trump + Sign = TASTELESS

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-27837822 Best part of the story is the city issued the permit approving the sign and NOW they are complaining and giving ultimatums..... should have read the specs before signing off on the project.
  17. Exterior full color LED display

    Is there a MM here who does Exterior full color LED displays? We are looking for an exterior full color LED display. intended overall size of roughly 72”h x 120”w Desired LED size is 16mm – 19mm QTY 2 Mounting will be to a stone monument.
  18. Monday Font help

    Some help would be appreciated with this font ID Thanks as always
  19. Scrap Magnet?

    What do you do with your scrap pieces of magnetic substrate? just finished and order of 70 16x18 magnets and now have a hefty pile of surplus magnets. trash? recycle? donate to school / library / etc... for craft projects? Thanks
  20. portable marquee signs?

    Looking for the style that has the arrow above the message board. Do they make them that has the arrows so they "blink"? Do them make them that will accept the 8 on 9 non-flex letters? are there MM here who make them? Thanks