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Search results

  1. Font ID - _ _ _ serif

    any ideas?
  2. font for my sister's wedding!

    any idea for the "2"? ....have to match some table decorations we've already ordered, and parents decided to add a few more tables to the dinner/reception :(
  3. monday morning font-fun!

    any ideas?
  4. Font i.d. request

    any ideas? or something similiar that I could get-by with? wish I could just redraw this, or at least I will for the logo itself (if need-be), but client wants fonts used in other elements of signage :(
  5. Crestliner boat - font?

    client wants his boat lettered, and of course wants me to match the existing "Crestliner' logo font. anything close come to mind?
  6. calling all photoshop experts! "Need help removing red-eye from photo"

    lol, facebook post that I think that some of the posters on this forum can relate to :) from headline: "Sometimes the internet comes together in just the perfect way. And that's exactly what happened when this forum user asked people to help remove the red eye from his photo...' linked...
  7. Neodynium magnets - supplier referral?

    upcoming project that will require approx. 1200-1800 3/8"d x 1/8"thick neodynium disc magnets. for smaller projects, I've always been happy with going to home depot and picking up a pack or two but I can't afford to not explore other options at this qty. anyone got a good place to checkout...
  8. Panel Gripper sign hardware - seen these around?

    originally bought these from Gyford Stand-Off Systems, almost a decade ago, but hoping that someone's come across another source for these egg-shaped 3/8" panel grippers? (currently jumping through hoops to get re-registered, but I have no idea how long this is going to take and would hate to...
  9. Oralite 5600 vs. 5700

    what's the difference between Oralite 5700 & 5600? ...is it really worth the $+30% uptick on the latter? 5600 boasts for curved surfaces and rivots, but if my only vehicle reflectives are simple lettering then do I really need a "wrap-grade" reflective? they're both cast vinyls correct...
  10. What if ...google was a guy?

    you guys hate stupid questions? I'd bet google would too, if it were a person: http://digg.com/video/what-if-google-was-a-guy
  11. what the san-serif?

    "physical therapy" font? already redrew the healing hands, and found the "calligraphic810" font for "focus" My sister is a therapist for this clinic, and wants to surprise her boss with something cool. Of course, it's never so simple when you're trying to "quick-flip" armed with only a...
  12. provehicleoutlines, down?

    I don't log-in to the website much, as the CD collection usually does the trick, but it's a bit disheartening when I'm supposed to receive free downloads for a year...and there's no longer a website? did I miss a change in address, or did they disappear after the sign show?
  13. I see your "Knockout Game" and raise you a...

    Random PillowFight!!!
  14. 3M 3630-2828 , where to find?

    Specialty color from 3M, "Caramel" Transluscent, 3630-2828 3M website has listed as "available", which should usually means my ability to order a roll w/o requiring the 5roll minimum on custom colors, but none of my suppliers have responded with good news (yet). anyone have a line on some? I...
  15. life-saving invention, simply amazing

    goodbye red cooler, hello ....cardioquarium? best I've got, no catchy name comes to mind, but this is definitely worth the share. *disclaimer: not for the feint-HEARTed Heart In A Box
  16. PhotoTex high tack vs. regular

    has anyone used the high tack phototex for regular drywall surfaces? is the material repositionable without ripping paint off the wall? removability is unimportant, as permanence is, but I don't want to shoot myself in the foot here :) Walter @ PhotoTex has been great, and is sending me...
  17. Chemetal - Old Cherry Frise: scavenger-hunt

    one-off room i.d. sign, requires me to have a 12" x 12" piece of this laminate: "Chemetal - Old Cherry Frise" does anyone know of a source to purchase without having to get a whole sheet? ...or simply got a piece floating-around that I can purchase via paypal, case of beer, or whatever floats...
  18. three letters, hopefully an easy find

    unless I nail the font right away, then I'll most likely just draw these. any thoughts?
  19. jv3 - aftermarket pumps, "suck" ?

    anyone else having issues with their pump replacements using the Triangle-brand solvent resistant ink pumps from Fellers/whomever? I've gone through 3 now, in the past year, and the line keeps splitting within the pump mechanism. still got 1 fully functional OEM pump, and now 3 Triangle-brand...