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Search results

  1. Material recommendations? - rigid door decal

    anyone have a good recommendation for a rigid/semi-rigid, printable, material/laminate (latex or solvent) with permanent non-curling adhesion to a wooden door? trying to mimic a plexiglass paper-insert sign we currently do for a client but they want an option to have a permanent decal instead...
  2. How to spend your tax return?

    I have a feeling most of my tax return is going to this website: http://www.thisiswhyimbroke.com its like an expanded version of the SkyMall magazine everyone loves browsing on their flights
  3. This made my friday

    double-shift to finish wrapping a semi-trailer, solo, by the weekend. got a good kick out of this share in my newsfeed, so I thought I'd pass it on to you guys: Gallon Smashing wasteful, yes, but that's the American-way!
  4. JV3-160. 0% print after magenta dropout woes

    -tail-end of a large project, and magenta starts printing 25% on 12/16 passes. --cancel print, run test draw, nozzles @ 100% -ink supply not refreshing. confirmed by drawing ink from below capping station, and hearing hissing noise. --replaced damper, no more hissing, ink flowing...
  5. "Odd" request - new standard for unisex restroom ADA signage

    state project, involving a college campus, that we recently completed. Every type of sign imaginable in multiple buildings. anyways, just got a request to "re-identify" the term "Unisex" for the ADA compliant room identifying signage. I believe they're leaning toward "Private Toilet" or...
  6. "DOT green" vehicle-wrap?

    got a request to wrap a truck "DOT Green" but aside from carbon fiber, I've never wrapped a stock color before. sound like a job for Oracal 970RA "Police Green" or are there other favorite stock-color brands I should look into as an option? (1080 matte green already shot-down)
  7. JV3 - printhead install / alignment woes

    pardon the long-read, but i'm wiped and looking for confirmation of my alignment procedure diagnosis. although its my 4th printhead install, it has been a while since I've done this and now I'm second-guessing my next step: ********** in the Y-Si alignment procedure, I know that I'm supposed...
  8. Simple and stumped

    simple italic font, like an Arial/Helvetica Italic, but nothing else I can find matches exactly. fontfinder no help. thanks to drop shadow, I assume.
  9. 3M 5100 Black Reflective: Failing?!?

    Approx. 60 directional signs, across multiple campuses, with black reflective vinyl that we change fairly regularly. So, for a recent complete overhaul of the signage (new paint jobs, removal/reinstall @ different locations) we decided to use the 3M 5100series reflective vinyl with "white...
  10. fun Banner

    nothing special, besides being something special for someone special :) Whipped up a quick banner for my Grandfather's return home from the Veterans Honor Flight 2k12 @ airport in Madison, Wi :wavingflag:
  11. jv3160sp - i fixed my printer, how?!?

    y-current errors, as of late, more and more frequently. bout ready to buy a new $700 motor, but the issue comes/goes so I haven't really gotten around to making the expense just yet... But now, to top it off, this morning while running some test prints, i'm getting a squeeky-grinding noise as...
  12. Illustrator CS5 - autominimizing when I alt+tab between programs?

    how do I stop Illustrator from minimizing all my projects when I alt+tab to finder/photoshop/etc? kind of annoying that when I come back into the program, that I have to drag-down the Window toolbar to re-expand the project I am working on. (never happened to me in CS3, so i'm hoping that there...
  13. Boston here I come!

    never been east-coast, but flying into Boston tomorrow a.m. and all i have planned is the Sam Adam's brewery-tour. anything else cool to do besides the token american historical sites? also, if no1's got plans for sunday... there's a HUGE Lithuanian polka-dancing festival going on that you...
  14. Beer Label for fun

    Posting for fun and willing to incorporate some ideas into this beer label for 48 bottles and a homebrew kit that my sister is giving to her boyfriend for his birthday. So anways, he's irish, and red-headed, so... What sounds better? Firecrotch ale? lager? lol, IPA? i guess I could put a...
  15. Bronze dedication plaque. RightNOW!

    Got a few feelers out there but figure I'd poll the s101 crowd. Decision weighing heavily on my mind to decide in the a.m.: 2' x 18" Bronze dedication plaque with 1/4" lettering hoping to go up in a week. Realistic timeline to outsource & make it to my doorstep by then? Or should I be...
  16. .pub to .pdf?

    tried the free online converters and still winding up with just extracted images/logos that I already have! client did some "layout work" and sent me a .pub file, which is created by Windows Microsoft Publisher... yuck. anyone with windows + microsoft publisher willing to save a file to .pdf...
  17. Font help?

    liquor store with mixed fonts in their logo.... going nuts here. found the other but I'm hung up on:
  18. Font help? paint/grunge/etc

    having trouble finding this one, any thoughts? pretty close to drawing it by hand, but figure its worth a shot to find if it comes to anyone's mind:
  19. The Search is OVER!

    friend posted this pic on facebook, figured it was worth a share :) p.s. I LOVE KFC. The "Double Down" has gotta be the BEST sandwich idea, EVER! (could use more bacon tho')
  20. Adobe Illustrator - Highlighted Object Selection?

    In illustrator, I must have hit an unknown command that's throwing me for a loop. What would be the term/quickfix to re-establish individual highlighting of selected objects? by that, i mean... i usually click on an object, and i'll get the 6-points of adjustment box highlighted around the...