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Search results

  1. more font help?

    anyone know this one?
  2. font ID request

    Another one of the many files I lost in my "great data-loss crisis of 2005" was one which used as font I don't remember using before or since. I hope to recreate the look I had done on previous signs for this client & since whatthefont didn't recognize these, I wondered if anyone here would?
  3. Anybody Know This One?

    myfonts.com didn't recognize it...
  4. font question

    I have seen something in this family, & think I have it... but I'm having a senior moment. Can anyone help out with this identification?
  5. My Turn... Font Id??

    looks like an easy one, but I can't remember what else to check... whatthefont couldn't tell either (too fuzzy I guess?)
  6. whatthefont failed me... anyone know if this is home made?

    My client brought this in for lettering on the canoes he builds... now he has a new model & name to set in same font (if it is one) actually it was much more extended, and italicized... but whatthefont didn't recognize any characters at all... so I quickly condensed & straightened it for a...
  7. font ID help request

    anybody recognize this? I can recreate the bevels, but to get some vectors for large cut letters & other matching copy for various signs, I wanted to find out if it even is a font?? I could isolate just the letters without outlines & maybe try whatthefont.com but thought I'd ask here first.
  8. FLEXI: "Failed to load color management module"

    tried to find time all day & evening for some prints on the Mimaki that are due tomorrow. Finally around 11 pm I got everything set up & having not had dinner... decided to step out for a few quick slices to get some energy for a late night printing session... well, my throat is sore & voice...
  9. my new Mimaki equip arrived the other day!!!

    Got the Mimaki uncrated on Thursday! the technician arrives next week for his working holiday in Hawaii. I get 2 days help & he has a week, so hopefully he will be able to focus on his work for 2 days & I will learn how to make good use of my new toy. I had to convert my old first floor...
  10. font ID help... & ethics question

    First the ID question.. I recognize this font (in red) but I just can't remember the name. I thought I may even have it, but looked as long as I thought I should need to to spot it, so now I guess I don't have it. Can anyone tell me the name? ...now the ethics question, if my client...
  11. another font ID request

    this is a font my daughter wants to use in a logo design she is working on & asking for my help on. I tried to upload it to whatthefont (or whatever they are called now) but it is not a good enough image, so I thought someone here might recognize it... BTW, she said the "O" is not from the...
  12. cincin font help needed

    I have a client who needs me to cut their phone number & web address today in the font cincin. They emailed me the font in reply to my request for the typesetting of these 2 items, but it is a mac font. Does anyone have this font? or is there a PC version? I have the mac font if...
  13. new problem with saved .tif files not opening...

    I have recently added a server to my work flow, & as a result of taking on an employee as well as the upcoming addition of new equipment, I have also added 2 computers. I'm not sure which, if any, of these changes contributed to this new problem... but I have been having a lot of trouble on...
  14. Roland Hi-Fi jet fj-50

    Does anyone here have a Roland Hi-Fi jet fj-50? Or has anyone done research on one in the past & decided not to get it for reasons that I should know about? The reason I ask is that an opportunity has come along and thrown a wrench in some plans I had in the works to invest in some very...
  15. slitting printed vinyl rolls

    I've been doing more & more decals & labels & I'm looking at an inkjet printer to offer lower cost labels on items that don't need the UV stability of edge prints. I have a few accounts lined up that will be interested in very large quantity repeat order business if I can offer the quality &...
  16. new member intro

    Hi folks, Bob G was asking me about use of an image of mine for a lesson he has planned. He mentioned an interest in posting the lesson in a few forums I was aware of, as well as this one. I may have heard of this site once or twice, but finally checked it out. looks great so far from a...