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Search results

  1. CNC router owners.... compressor questions

    I should be pulling the trigger on a Multicam purchase in the next week or so, and I have done a bit of research on the proper compressor size to go with the 3000 series. (or specifically the 3103-R on my quote) Dan Swatzky has given me specs on what I saw at the recent workshop I attended at...
  2. Another Back-up Hardware Question

    I have wanted to write out this question all day... almost started to at least twice, but knew it would take some time & have been putting it off. I was reading the "why even bother" thread & saw a lot of the tech talent here on that thread & found myself spilling my guts about this huge area...
  3. What The Font Failed Me...

    maybe someone here recognizes this. I have a few rush jobs going for a grand opening Thursday & now he wants a banner too with the text part of his logo that I haven't been involved with previously. I asked for the file, but only now realize it's a .jpg I cleaned it up enough to try...
  4. dumb question...

    I just bought a larger compressor from the pawn shop across the street. I plugged it in to check it out & it got up to 100 psi, so I was satisfied. It looks to be in mint condition. Anyway I wanted to attach my hose to it & roll it into place until the next time I need compressed air...
  5. BUMMER... just spent thousands on Enroute for Vista

    well, I guess it's not as bad as all that, I plan to run it with XP later this year, when I get a router. But, I just forked out the several thousand dollars to have it now, because I want to start learning it at home on my laptop, and mostly because I'm attending Dan Sawatzky's Router Magic...
  6. is a worthless poll better on the homepage then a regretable poll?

    I almost started a poll the other day when it was learned that the previous most recent poll was based on an incorrect assumption of intention. Now that deleting the banning poll is being discussed... I am going forward with my worthless poll to take over the "recent polls" spot on the home...
  7. How's The Weather?

    sunny and nice out here :thumb:
  8. match requested for an ugly font

    This one's pretty bad in my book, but has anyone seen anything like it?
  9. Microsoft Access... anyone using it?

    I want to hire a temp to do some clerical work for me. Over the years working with Jon Aston of Marketing Partners, Jon and I have discussed e-newsletters, or possible direct mail campaigns, but with very select qualified lists, such as possibly just previous Island Sign clients... or...
  10. please save down an Illustrator CS3 file for me

    I finally ordered my upgrade to CS3 today. I resent paying $200 every year and a half just because upgrades exist, so I resist as long as I can. This week I got 2 CS3 files, & one was on an $800 job with a new resident who's designer is in Colorado. Of course I could have made the client...
  11. "Naturally Speaking" speach recognition software

    I bought this software at Costco and it does a pretty good job of typing what I speak. It's not perfect, but since I type slowly, I think I'll get some use out of it. It cost me $50, and I used it to write a three-page letter last week. There are ways to correct spelling with voice commands...
  12. ExpressClipart.Com ...howzit work?

    Fred, I want to start by saying what great way of selling clipart that is. I needed to show my client what I could come up with for them & I showed them 3 alternatives from your site. When they confirmed that one of them was suitable, I was able to create a new membership & buy the single...
  13. Flexi: how to keep cuts in production manager AFTER cutting...just in case?

    My production manager was set up this way before, & if I ever had a problem with a cut going bad... it was nice to be able to resend it without worrying about recreating the same repeats and spacing. Anyway, I switched CPU's for my rip station & the reinstalled version does not have this...
  14. external key, mouse and monitor on laptop... mouse "times out"

    I've been meaning to ask about this for a few months... my HP laptop (running Vista ) is connected to an external monitor mouse and keyboard. The mouse and keyboard are on a cheap USB hub (along with a printer & an external hard drive) The problem is half the time when I walk away from the...
  15. new setup ?s for changing flexi/mimaki CPU

    right now, my main question is this: in the set-up menu, in Flexi's production manager, after I have selected my printer (Mimaki JV3-160SP) I need to specify the communications port. I am using a firewire port. The choices are USB001, COM1 (2 and 3) LTP! (2 and 3) and LPR, FTP, TCP/IP...
  16. font ID anyone?

    I don't expect this perspective/outline to be part of the font, & even the italicization may be custom... but if there is a root font in there anyone recognizes, I am interested in starting with the closest thing, and using it for other copy on their sign as well as the logo recreation.
  17. font ID request

    anybody know this one? (Whatthefont didn't even come close)
  18. having problems hooking up desktop monitor to my laptop...

    I'm having problems hooking up desktop monitor to my widescreen laptop... I just got a laptop for a recent trip, & I want to use it in my home office. Currently I use an older tower & have a small HD TV hooked up as the monitor, along with a standard keyboard and mouse. The laptop is a...
  19. fall-guy pictogram requested

    one of my good customers had an industrial accident occur at their facility today & I need to rush out some Slippery Floor type signs. I want to include a pictogram of a person in a mid falling pose. I've seen them, but I'm pressed for time trying to get ready to catch a plane tomorrow...
  20. my turn again... font ID ?

    anybody know this one? whatthefont didn't respond well :rolleyes: