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Search results

  1. Graphtec CE5000-120

    Still available! Feel free to make an offer!
  2. Summa ST160 Class T Series cutting off-2 machines

    May not have anything to do with your issue, but on both of my Summas I’ve had the OPOS sensor arm get knocked out of place, causing them to be off. If you look at the cutter head, there is a little arm on the bottom front that swings down. If there is a lot of play back and forth in the Y...
  3. Graphtec CE5000-120

    I am selling my Graphtec CE5000-120. It has been used very little and is in excellent shape. Cut width is 48” and it does have the Graphtec contour cutting system. It comes with the factory stand, rollers, power and usb cords and a blade. Located in Harrisburg, NC. Asking $800 OBO
  4. Type of Gold Vinyl

    I specialize in fire apparatus, so this is something I run into often. Unfortunately there usually isn’t a “good enough” for fire departments. It is either right, or it isn’t. You can’t really blame them, a $500,000+ truck should have the correct graphics on it. Unless all of the existing gold...
  5. Type of Gold Vinyl

    It is definitely not Sign Gold
  6. Type of Gold Vinyl

    This is 100% hand laid, hand turned vinyl encapsulated 23 kt. gold. Probably on a Pierce fire truck, they are the only manufacturer left that offers this from the factory. I offer this process, however there isn’t a “vinyl” you can just buy and print or cut to match it.
  7. Summacut D120 For Sale

    I sent you an email back the other day. Let me know if you got it.
  8. Contour cutting black reflective?

    I have printed on black reflective in the past using my Edge and contour cut with the Envision plotter (works great). I’m wanting to try something different now though. I would like to print on 3M 680CR black reflective with my HP L25500 and then contour cut with my Summa plotter. I don’t see...
  9. Simulated 22 karat engine turned gold

    Like the others have said, I have my own version of “printed” gold leaf that is designed to look like hand-laid gold. It’s a great option that has become very popular.
  10. Need Help Gold Leaf Foil

    Neither is real hand laid gold. The “T” is R-Tape VinylFX large engine turn gold. The “A” is Sign Gold. The R-Tape really doesn’t belong on fire trucks.
  11. Gerber Edge/Flexi Help Needed

    USB001 has always ran it in the past. It does give the option to run it as a USB, which is what I’ve always done with a parallel cord with very few issues. For some reason it’s just not sending the data to the right place. When it rips and prints it sends it to the windows print spooler, which...
  12. Gerber Edge/Flexi Help Needed

    My old Edge has been running great, up until I got a new computer. The first time I loaded Flexi on the computer and ran the Edge everything was fine. The second time I had to fiddle with it for an hour to get it to print. Now I can’t get it to do anything. I only have two USB ports, but Flexi...
  13. Flexi/Gerber Issues

    I recently got a new laptop and switched my Flexi software over to it. I copied all the files from my old computer and moved them over also. After a little bit of work I got my Edge and Envison working on the new setup. Today I printed a job on the Edge with no problems, but then when I tried to...
  14. Flintstones looking font...

    Bump to see if anyone can help me out with the phone number on this one...
  15. cutting out reflective printed decals

    Hmm ok well if it’s a Summa you shouldn’t be having that problem. There is an option to get rid of the barcode, you can either run it with the corner square marks only or marks and barcode. For a production shop the barcode is nice, but I don’t use them. It’s in production manager under the...
  16. Flintstones looking font...

    Thanks Tiki ! Any ideas on the phone number? It looks like its yet another different font...
  17. Flintstones looking font...

    A better close up:
  18. Flintstones looking font...

    I have ran this one through the "Find my Font" software with no luck. I believe there is more than one font here, I have "Boink" which worked for the main logo, but the "Davidson" and the DOT numbers don't match. Any ideas?
  19. cutting out reflective printed decals

    I print primarily on reflective with a L25500, and I have used Mutoh, Graphtec and Summa cutters. It was always a nightmare trying to even read registration marks and then you could forget trying get accurate cuts. Then I got my Summa... and now life is great haha. But seriously, the Summa reads...
  20. Edge 2 printing but nothing shows up

    Sorry just saw this. I still haven't fixed it. Long story short, I've been crazy busy and haven't had time to keep messing with it. I replaced the head cable and that didn't change anything. Is that the same cable you are talking about?