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Search results

  1. Windows 7 Next generation of software CONTROL?

    Windows 7 with 64bit and 8 gigs of ram and a SSD, runs like a dream. Hasn't crashed on me in 2 months.
  2. Is there a way to EDIT a font?

    I use that to create custom fonts for various purposes. It will let you edit the paths of each character, and do things like create bold and italic fonts for fon't that don't have them.
  3. Is there a way to EDIT a font?

    Yes. http://www.high-logic.com/fontcreator.html
  4. Computer Issue . . . Ready to Committ Computer Murder !

    Well the good news is it's definitely a video or monitor problem. Do you have another monitor that you can hook up to make sure it's not a monitor problem? Here is what i would do, progressing to the next if it doesn't fix the issue. Hook up another monitor to make sure its not the issue...
  5. Favorite Quote from a Customer Today

    Wow Mark, what a crazy PITA.
  6. Favorite Quote from a Customer Today

    "You spelled my name wrong" (After they get the sign) (We send a proof to every client, and it says to DOUBLE check spelling) -You approved your Proof "Ohh I thought you would correct it"
  7. Favorite Quote from a Customer Today

    It was the wrong size apparently. Dimensions given to us by the customer, with a written confirmation of the size. We offered to discount the reprint. He said he would think about it and get back to us. Just found that he is now disputing the CC charge. I think i need to borrow that Pencil.
  8. HP 5000ps is only printing at 600 dpi

    I believe it depends on the Media Setting. Some papers don't have all of the print options. Try a Coated Photo quality media setting.
  9. Favorite Quote from a Customer Today

    "Ohh i know it doesn't cost you guys much at all to print it, so why don't you just reprinting it for me for free"
  10. Static cling bands real bad - profile?

    Getting Same Issue I'm getting this same issue right now and i'm just scratching my head. I have 3 static clings i'm printing right now. green red and blue. Greens come out great, but the blue and red has the issue of looks like less ink in the second pass. Looks like banding. I tried changing...
  11. core i7 vs dual 55xx xeons

    I would go with the i7. From the numbers I've seen it's roughly 50% faster than the Core 2. http://www.tomshardware.com/charts/desktop-cpu-charts-q3-2008/3D-Studio-Max-9,836.html This would make running single aps faster. You shouldn't really need more than 4 cores and 24 gigs
  12. Professional advise please

    We have a Jv33 and love it. It's a work horse. Lots of people on here have the JV3 and Jv33 is a great upgrade from the Jv3. It does awesome color. Very bright with ss21 inks. Capable of 1440 x 1440 resolution if you need it. JV33 CANNOT print lower resolution than 540x720. I've not heard...
  13. Building New Computer

    Stuart, I know exactly what your talking about. Here Ready the Reviews. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231256&cm_sp=DailyDeal-_-20-231-256-_-Product A bit pricey, but it will solve your problem. 128 gigs should keep any operational files fine, then just have a big...
  14. Building New Computer

    Get an SSD Drive. The Term, WOW will be added when you open files.
  15. Building New Computer

    Hi Stuart, you can't go wrong with NewEgg. Well you can, you just need to know exactly what your ordering. Depending on how much you want to spend, you could make a screaming machine with an I7 and a SSD Drive. FYI Photoshop 4 has Graphics Card Acceleration so it's a bit faster if you have a...
  16. HP 5000ps will not read or recognize all ink cartridges

    We have this happen from time to time on single cartridges, but never all of them. Have you tried the recover procedure? Have you tried the manual recover? Get a paper towel, wet it in one area slightly, then place the print head on the wet area. You should see the ink bleed through and two fat...
  17. Vista 64-bit....

    Load up Windows 7
  18. Rasterlink Question???

    You reinstalled it, but did you reset up your hot folders?
  19. MIMAKI INK and RE-Introduction!

    Check out Grimco or Fellers