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Search results

  1. Almost killed yesterday

    I don't think i know anyone who has a motorcycle and not been in an accident. A friend of my mothers had his foot cut off in a motorcycle accident. A Friend of mine wrecked into a parked car after he lost control and punctured his stomach. When it comes to motorcycles I don't think it's a...
  2. rasterlink question

    I believe you can with RasterLink 4 which i think you can get with their print and cut devices. I asked about an upgrade and they said they didn't plan to offer an upgrade from 3 to 4, this was about 8 months ago though.
  3. x-rite

    Ya it gets the job done. Can't complain.
  4. x-rite

    i1Basic here as well
  5. told a supplier to gfy this morning!!!!

    I agree, talk to the owner, I would be pissed if one of my employees treated a customer that way. This is America, we use Inches, tell them to get used to it. I'm also getting really tired of Rude Employees dealing with other companies. My employees would never treat anyone the way some of...
  6. Mimaki JV33

    Mach, the lowest Res that the JV33 can print is 540 x 720 unless i'm mistaken. You can create a 360 x 360 on the jv33?
  7. Mimaki JV33

    Hi Steve, It's difficult to get the jv33 to use less ink, especially with Rasterlink. We have a JV33-160 and invested in a iOne to do our own profiles. The only way to get the JV33 is to print at the lowest setting 540 x 720, but you will need a profile for it for correct color. You can get...
  8. Coolest thing i've seen this week.

    http://gizmodo.com/5396098/you-wont-need-chairlifts-with-the-fastest-snow-car-in-the-world Man do I want one of these!. Nice Wrap too!
  9. So Windows 7....anyone???

    Yup, i've been rocking windows 7 for about 2-3 months now and it's awesome! We have noticed one odd thing with the latest build, if your computer goes into sleep mode, after it wakes up it has a serious delay on network shares, files don't seem to show up until minutes later. A Quick google...
  10. Computer Problem I Can't Solve.

    If i was in your shoes, I would reformat
  11. Bending Over Backward for Customers

    Pchrono, don't defend yourself, you'll end up loosing on here and you won't achieve your objectives when you posted. From what it sounds like, you are frustrated with your employers. Your feeling that you could be more efficient, more effective, more valuable to your employers if they only...
  12. strange things happening around my area

    We get these people calling all the time for crap like this. They want 50 signs at $1 each. I ask if 1" x 1" is ok. They normally hang up.
  13. strange things happening around my area

    Happens in our area. I assumed it was the city cutting the signs.
  14. AI "An unkwown error has occured"

    Windows 7 64Bit + 8 gigs of ram will solve all of your Illy Problems.
  15. Why women shouldn't take men shopping

    that guy is my hero
  16. 1 nozzel Not Firing :(

    We had a Head Strike on some Banner Material after a banner print got caught on the media guides some how. After which a Test Draw showed that many nozzles went firing, but after 2 hard cleans, all but 1 came back to life. We've since done about 5 hard cleans, and 2 head washes for 20 minutes...
  17. New computer

    If you can afford it, get an SSD harddrive they are blazing. Also go for one of the new i5's or i7's as they are about twice as fast as the Core 2's Make sure what ever your buying has a good rep on newegg.
  18. How long have you been in the Sign Business?

    2 years.
  19. hard drive clicking?

    yup dead drive. I hate that sound.
  20. Small Color Test File

    Here is a quick Color Test File that i created to test a few CMYK color values. Thought it might be of help for others so here you go.