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Search results

  1. Half a million Mac computers 'infected with malware'

    An investigation by Dr Web suggests that about 600,000 Macs have installed the malware - potentially allowing them to be hijacked and used as a "botnet". It says that more than half that number are based in the US. Apple has released a security update, but users who have not installed the...
  2. When to charge for a sign layout and when to charge for a logo design?

    :goodpost: And if you can not afford that,do it for cost of material.
  3. Help thief!!!!!

    Change the locks and alarm code,and if you have wifi,change the key. Also have banks watch accounts. If he accessed bank accounts the feds step in. Have him arrested,you are never gonna see the money anyway.
  4. Wooohoooo !!

    I am finally a 3" X 11" sign maker. Sold my first stickers today ! :toasting:
  5. Can you wrap this?

    I bet you could almost modify a flat bed printer and drive the car under it. Then you and a girl scout can flip it to get the sides. / sarc That will be a fun job i bet. Post pics when you are done.
  6. Is that the best you can do?

    Tell him he could afford me,and give him my number. / I can't design,I still don't know how to use Corel,I don't know how to operate my printer yet. In his price range !
  7. bar logo - help

    What about a Crest ? You could draw one or use a stock one.
  8. My employees have been busy behind my back...

    You could rent bunny suits and have them stand on the street spinning signs like the apartment complexes do. Get it on video also.And share it here.
  9. What material to use?

    Could be they are installing them on tanks that have old chalky paint or dirty or some residue on them. May not be the label.
  10. The words none of us want to hear!

    Don't get mad. People have different taste and like what they like. Give him the font he likes . If everyone had the same taste and liked all the same stuff , life would be real boring. / just my $.02
  11. Replacing old printer, recommendations?

    http://www.summausa.com/products/dc4.php Very versatile . I have the baby one,still learning to use it.
  12. Advice on dealing with a non-paying customer?

    On opening day, show up with a crew to take the signs back. Magically he will find your money. I would almost bet he has the cash in his back pocket any given day. But the restaurant owners and managers use vendors cash as long as they can get away with it as a standard business practice.
  13. What would you do?

    Have your wife take her out to dinner and talk to her. An abused women will not open up to another man. And if she has family close, call them and get them involved. Are kids involved ? That would change everything, Don't let it coast along though,you will regret it.
  14. Looking for sign frame per image

    Most any machine shop or metal shop can make one in a few minutes, Then you prime and paint it.
  15. Hi! from a Graphic Artist in TX

    Hi ! From Atlanta
  16. Sheriff paid Mosh a visit

    Not so much. It can explode in a fire. But not always I think I saw on mythbusters ,they heated bullets,they will go off. But not like in the movies.
  17. Vowels not showing up in topic headings

    http://www.zdnet.com/blog/apple/south-park-parodies-itunes-terms-and-conditions/10043 http://www.southparkstudios.com/full-episodes/s15e01-humancentipad Is this what you mean ?
  18. Sheriff paid Mosh a visit

    ? The movie Deliverance comes to mind. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uzae_SqbmDE / I'm just sayin'.
  19. Best way to remove adhesive from emblems

    O.T. How is Nashville nowdays ? I moved from there about 12 years ago,and have not been back.
  20. Best way to remove adhesive from emblems

    A heat gun will help. Lighter fluid works good,and will not melt plastic like goof-off. Wd-40 will get off adhesive also