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Search results

  1. Flexi Pro Cloud Crashing....

    I will check when I get back to the shop, I don't remember the specs. It is installed on a brand new Toshiba Satellite that was custom built.
  2. Flexi Pro Cloud Crashing....

    I purchased Flexi Pro Cloud a couple months ago, and for the most part I am happy with it. But it crashes constantly... it always happens whenever I try to copy or paste a group of objects. I click copy or paste and it pops up the message that says the program has stopped working. It is...
  3. Font ID Help please

    Eurostyle Bold
  4. Printed Reflective Gold Leaf

    Different strokes for different folks! ...Or in this case different spins haha
  5. Printed Reflective Gold Leaf

    I see what you are saying now. With this particular job I was matching some real 23 kt. gold lettering that was done at the Pierce factory, so the turns match what they did as close as possible. But even when I am working with real gold I tend to use a spinning tool that is a little bigger than...
  6. Printed Reflective Gold Leaf

    I am trying to wrap my brain around that as we speak. As far as the actual gold leaf effect, it has to be solvent printed to get a high enough resolution to make it look right. The Edge just can't do it without making it look to grainy. Ideally it would be nice to print the gold on a solvent...
  7. Printed Reflective Gold Leaf

    Suggestions are what I'm looking for! I want to make this as good as it can possibly be. What area(s) of the image are you referring to? Maybe its just a case of the Mondays, but I am not following what you are saying. The "turns" do line up with the strokes of the letters, which is why it took...
  8. Printed Reflective Gold Leaf

    I have been fiddling with this off and on for a year or more, but I am finally happy with the results. I posted a thread on here and got some good input very early on in this project, but I just wanted to post an update now that I have something decent to show. As far as the background story...
  9. Contour cut off?

    I can't add another layer, this 280 reflective with laminate is already really thick. It has something to do with this design, because I printed a job with a bunch of 1" black boxes and the contour cut was dead on. So somehow with this one design the contour cut is scaled down from what it...
  10. Contour cut off?

    To test the problem further I ran the job again, but this time I only did a group of two designs and put 1" square black boxes at each of the four corners of each design. After printing, laminating and cutting the bottom boxes cut accurately and the top boxes were cut too low. When I say bottom...
  11. Contour cut off?

    I do have a "bleed" built in so that if it's slightly off it won't be visible. I just don't understand how on the first design the cut will be dead on at the bottom and slightly off at the top, and then by the third one it is completely off on the top and the bottom. The amount the cut is off...
  12. Contour cut off?

    I am still having the same problem even after turning the design straight. I see an option for four point registration marks in flexi, but I don't see how this would work with the enVision? It cuts based off of one mark after you line it up with the bomb sight, so how do you line it up with 4 marks?
  13. Edge LE/GS15 plus price check

    Thanks for the great response Fred. I have gone back and forth and worried my self crazy trying to figure out whether to sell them or keep them as backups. I think I have finally settled on selling them for several reasons. I am a one man operation, so even though I am very busy and would love...
  14. Edge LE/GS15 plus price check

    I am selling my Edge LE and GS15 plus. I have no idea what a fair price would be because the prices are all over the place on the Internet. The Edge works great, but it does leave 2 almost invisible "scratches" on the finished prints. I started a thread on here about the issue and from what I...
  15. edge 2

    I have a GS15 listed for sale in the classifieds if you decide to go with a Gerber cutter. It's listed with my printer but I would consider selling it separate.
  16. Looking for thoughts on locksmith van design

    Just an update to this thread... I finished the job the other day. The customer ended up agreeing to let me go with the big logo on the sides, but the compromise was he still wanted the bullet points. It was printed by a local 3M certified shop on Ij180cv3 with 8518 laminate. I learned quite a...
  17. Font help needed!

    No matches here.
  18. Contour cut off?

    I tried moving the bomb sight down and to the left just slightly on the next run. The first scramble cut almost perfectly, but then it gets progressively further off on the second and third one... this is blowing my mind. A sprocket fed plotter should either be off or not, it shouldn't get worse...
  19. Contour cut off?

    I have an odd problem. I am printing, laminating and cutting runs of three of these designs: After I laminate, I load them into my enVision to cut, and line it up perfectly, but they come out with the contour off: It's not just a simple matter of too far left or right, it is off in several...
  20. Thoughts on "swamp coolers"?

    North Carolina has had a very rough start to summer so far. For the past couple weeks we have been just below or past the 100 degree mark. I have been working in fire department bays doing installs on trucks, most of which are not insulated and have metal roofs... which leads to extremely high...