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Search results

  1. Get a load of this thinking..............................

    I was out repairing an electric sign this morning which had some missing parts. We got the replacement parts and because this place was having their 'Grand Opening' tomorrow, I finished this sign in the rain just this morning. I was one wet sucka. Anyway, we were contracted to fix certain...
  2. Fred........................

    Not sure if this has been posted and answered or what, but I have 2 other questions.......... In the 'New Posts' or 'What's New ?' section, why does that keep updating ?? Sometimes it has 30 or 35 posts and sometimes only 12 or 15. Is there any reason ?? I tried editing a post of mine and...
  3. If you're out there Fred...................

    I have two questions so far. One, how do we find or know which are 'Premium' member threads ?? Two, how do we determine if we've already posted in a thread ?? :thankyou:
  4. All this talk all the time about price... price... price.............

    The other day or so, someone was asking about pricing things. Actually, this happens a few times an hour lately. Several members were discussing how to go about it. There were several approaches, but the bottom line was, they all had formulas. They all had formulas. What does that...
  5. Where is...................

    E d n a ?? :blueboy:
  6. Yikes......................

    I had the pleasure of going out on this wonderful day to do some survey pictures and measurements for a company from out of town. Everything went hunky-dory and as I was coming back to the shop, I passed through a school zone, right as all the kids are getting out. Kids, buses….. everywhere...
  7. Any ideas.............??

    We have a customer who wants to bring back a bunch of signs we did for them about a year ago and re-use them with a new message. Here's the catch: It was 1/8" dibond or whatever you call it and printed with U/V inks with full coverage. Ink is on the entire panels. He wants to know if we can...
  8. Another one...........??

    Yesterday after lunch, I decided to deliver a sign, instead of someone here taking it, just for something different to do. On my way there, very close to our shop I noticed a pickup with the name Extreme Signs with a phone number under it. Later, when I got back to the shop, I called the...
  9. This should end your day with a smile..............

    Here is your dose of "cute" for today
  10. SDS Drill..................

    Recently, there has been some talk of an SDS hammer type drill. We have two jobs coming up where we need to drill into cement walls. One is painted cement block with about 1/2" or 3/4" cement fascia and the other is decorative bricks. The block one is going to have about 200 holes or so and...
  11. Anyone know of this person/company........??

    This person has sent me numerous e-mails always asking the same thing, but worded differently each time. I usually delete them and think nothing of it. It just dawned on me that he's actually writing these out each and every time. Maybe there's some merit to this person/company. Has anyone...
  12. There is definitely hope out there....................

    Well, this has A different spin on it, so it doesn't upset some of you naysayers lately......... :rolleyes: On my way in this morning, I stopped by the BJ's store near our shop and picked up some paper items and some power bars. I thought I had enough money on me..... in my pocket. I got up...
  13. And still yet another one....................

    Okay, here's today's story................ Tuesday, a guy called me about a sign on the building he just started renting for his business. He told me the sign is 1 foot by 8 foot. I asked him if it was backlit or not and had to further explain what that meant. He assured me it didn't light...
  14. Which way do you go................... ??

    This is not a design or layout question but directional question for layout/design. We're doing quite a few name ryders for several real estate companies at the moment. We've always done them with the flutes running up and down on a 6" tall x 24" wide ryder, unless otherwise specified. We...
  15. Now who is correct...............??

    I wasn't sure where to post this, so if it's in the wrong area, I'm sorry. Okay, now onto the predicament.Copyright or not problem. Had a customer come in yesterday with some artwork and a file with a picture on it. They've been a good and loyal customer for about 20 years. They want to...
  16. Calling all WRAPPERS.............

    We just cut some stuff out for a nearby company whose machine is broken. We got to talking and he said he does nothing but wraps on all kinds of trucks from 53'ers to ribbed beer trucks and so on. He's basically a one man team and says when he wraps these things, he starts at the middle and...
  17. Another call.......................

    Alrighty then.......... Here's one that came through the website and it goes a little like this............. Please send us a quote on a 4' x 8' for our building ?? We had asked for a 24" x 36" sign for our receiving dock, but now we need a larger sign. So I called her and it went like...
  18. Soooooooo....................

    Since nothing interesting is going on around here, I thought I'd share a short one which happened yesterday afternoon. What the hey..... nothing better to talk about. Guy calls me on the phone and asks if we do vinyl instals ? UH, yeah, sorta. Whacha got in mind ?? Well, I have some flames...
  19. Where can I find................

    Anyone know where I can find a program for cutting and printing vinyl signs ?? :omg:
  20. Epilepsy....................

    Okay, there's this very worried and concerned man with a goldfish taking him to the veterinarian to have a look at his sick fish. He gets in to see the vet and says.... doc, ya gotta do something, I think my goldfish has epilepsy.... showing him the goldfish in his bowl. The vet sets the bowl...